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The Roaster is Ready to ship
I am thrilled to see this ready to ship. I think it will blow the available consumer market away with what it offers in the current price point for batch and controllability.

Jonas you have done it. Your team is amazing.

Plus with PC and Mac OSX support it rocks.



Now that is one fine looking coffee roaster!!!!!
Mick - "Drinking in life one cup at a time"
"I'd rather be roasting coffee"

Roaster 1: San Franciscan SF-1
Roaster 2: Hottop B-2K+
Roaster 3: 2 kilo Chinese drum
Grinders: Mazzer Major - Forte BG (x3)
Pour over: Hario - Bee House - Chemex - Kalita - Bodum
Drip: Bunn CWTF15-1 & CW15-TC (commercials)
Espresso: Pasquini Livia 90 auto
Vacuum: Cona - Bodum
Press: Frieling - Bodum Colombia
The Bullet is intended for residential use. Roasting 1kg of greens in a Bullet is likely to produce 4 times more smoke than does a Hottop with a regular load. If I was seriously considering buying a Bullet, I would like to know what options the manufacturer recommends (or makes available) to handle that much smoke during residential roasting.

Those who saw a video of "The Prototype" Bullet may recall how the front roasting chamber door was held closed with the aid of an elastic band. It would seem that the elastic band has now been replaced with a handle. That handle does not appear to be very massive; I wonder if the handle has sufficient weight to secure the door when a full load of greens is being tossed about with an RPM of such vigour?

"The Prototype" Bullet video:

Ciel... seeking Heaven in my cup with ................................................................................................................. EXPOBAR Brewtus II - MAZZER Mini E - MAHLK?NIG Vario - GeneCafe - RAF-1 Extreme (Modified B-2 HOTTOP) - BellaTaiwan XJ-101
I added the link to the website, look at it for information.

the prototype was just that! how do you figure it will produce 4 times more smoke?

frankly I think the Bullet will drop kick the Hot Top and the Quest 3.


cross fingers
Let the modding begin!

Seriously, I have been waiting for this unit since seeing it advertised. Hopefully it will be a hit and do what it promises. If not, I know HotTop is also planning a release of a 1 kg unit as well. So, there may be "Roaster-Wars" in the works between the two.

I am wanting to purchase one but wife gets her kitchen table first. My last purchase was a custom-made espresso machine ($$$). Her turn. *sigh*rockon

Hottop B-2K w barryR thermocouple mod, Mazzer Mini /Super Jolly burrs, Salvatore E-61 group machine, Aeropress, French press.
Based on the information available to date, the Bullet may be ordered now for the price of $1500 (excluding shipping). Payment would take the form of a wire transfer to the Cathay United Bank. Shipping from Taiwan would be expected around July, 2015.

The Bullet offers a nice feature set at an attractive price point for home roasting. However, building a new machine from scratch, one that is reliable, and one that is capable of shaping roasting profiles at will, is a tall order. As far as I can tell, little or no user reviews (or experiences) are presently available on the Bullet to assist would-be buyers in making this important decision.

Edited by ciel-007 on 02/04/2015 10:32 PM
Ciel... seeking Heaven in my cup with ................................................................................................................. EXPOBAR Brewtus II - MAZZER Mini E - MAHLK?NIG Vario - GeneCafe - RAF-1 Extreme (Modified B-2 HOTTOP) - BellaTaiwan XJ-101


ciel-007 wrote:

The Bullet is intended for residential use. Roasting 1kg of greens in a Bullet is likely to produce 4 times more smoke than does a Hottop with a regular load. If I was seriously considering buying a Bullet, I would like to know what options the manufacturer recommends (or makes available) to handle that much smoke during residential roasting.


Smaller loads should = less smoke. if it is a true 1kilo then a 1 lb load would not be unreasonably small.

I am anxiously looking forward to first person user reports.

I would love to get a hold of the digital display and heater/fan/usb controller too smile
Mick - "Drinking in life one cup at a time"
"I'd rather be roasting coffee"

Roaster 1: San Franciscan SF-1
Roaster 2: Hottop B-2K+
Roaster 3: 2 kilo Chinese drum
Grinders: Mazzer Major - Forte BG (x3)
Pour over: Hario - Bee House - Chemex - Kalita - Bodum
Drip: Bunn CWTF15-1 & CW15-TC (commercials)
Espresso: Pasquini Livia 90 auto
Vacuum: Cona - Bodum
Press: Frieling - Bodum Colombia

I have been waiting as well for this roaster. we may be auctioning one off in a while
if all works out.

Jonas and I have spoken, he and his team have truly created a fantastic home machine.

new specs will be poste today along with new pictures for all to drool over.




ginny wrote:

Jonas... and his team have truly created a fantastic home machine...

Ginny, might you be privy to independent reviews or tests that the rest of us haven't seen yet?

Ciel... seeking Heaven in my cup with ................................................................................................................. EXPOBAR Brewtus II - MAZZER Mini E - MAHLK?NIG Vario - GeneCafe - RAF-1 Extreme (Modified B-2 HOTTOP) - BellaTaiwan XJ-101
I think this is a really sexy product offering. Bravo! Sleek design, good looking website with a plausible "why" to the product.
More coffee certainly means more smoke...no surprise there. In most of my kitchens, the exhaust fans have handled broiled fish, bacon, (lots of bacon) brussel sprouts and a whole bunch of other stuff. I can't imagine coffee being a problem. (It does create a great opportunity to sell add-ons down the road)
Crossing the threshold of a full pound of coffee using a standard outlet will likely prove to be the most significant aspect of this product.
At this point, it doesn't need to be perfect, it's a new product. The fate of the Bullet will be determined by how well Aillio responds to consumer feedback.....after it hits the street.
Cheers, Scott
There is no question that this is an exciting product for home roasters.

Jonas granted an interview to The Daily Coffee News yesterday (Feb. 4, 2015). In the article, two important statements were made that could be of interest to would-be buyers:

(1) "The Bullet is funded out of my own pocket... we will try to do everything by pre-orders first. Currently we are in the testing phase... At the same time, we are working on all the tooling required to start production."

(2)"The company is based in Taiwan, and Aillio plans to focus heavily on the Asian and North American markets when the roaster production begins, which Jonas hopes could be in a matter of months."

The first statement might imply that the money being raised via "pre-orders" may possibly serve to fund the testing and the tooling that must be completed before the manufacturing actually begins.
The second statement might possibly suggest that the target delivery month (July) may be more wishful than achievable.

Ciel... seeking Heaven in my cup with ................................................................................................................. EXPOBAR Brewtus II - MAZZER Mini E - MAHLK?NIG Vario - GeneCafe - RAF-1 Extreme (Modified B-2 HOTTOP) - BellaTaiwan XJ-101

- in the past couple of weeks I have been accused of being unfair to certain members for multiple failures to see their side of an issue...

that said I am not and will not be the Forum Freaking Police...

This thread is about the introduction of a NEW Roaster to the consumer market that is long overdue for my money. The thread has been here for some time and any question can and should be asked of Jonas and his team. He has made himself available to us from the beginning and I respect that from him and his Team.

I am not privy to a thing and honestly at this point for MYSELF it makes no difference since I would roast the same as I do in my Hot Top or Quest 3.

Honestly, I saw only Thom's review initially on the Hot Top and the Quest 3 but I knew I wanted the roasters regardless so I could decide myself if I liked it or not...

Smoke is not an issue for me since I have a fan above my stove that could easily suck up my 14 pound puppy. Plus I can move the machine out if I choose and pop it into the greenhouse to roast or on a table on the deck.

Take a look at the Hot Top and what some have done to eliminate smoke - makes no sense to me since there is not much at all for me. We all roast differently.

Hot Top has promised for ages to actually bring out their Vapor Roaster. They are most likely waiting for the Bullet to see what the competition is doing - (bashing, yes that is bashing since they have NOT produced what they promised.)

Team Bullet has...

so please ask any questions of Jonas and his Team - I am sure they will respond.


John Despres
Is Ciel holding back on some reviews he may be privy to?


Let's wait until it's on the market and proceed from there, shall we? As to funding, what do we care? Judgement before crime... Let's let these guys get it on the market and make all the harsh statements, if it deserves them, once they release it and we've had a chance to use it.

Let's keep it positive, stay classy and let these guys do the work they set out to do. We'll darn them and the product later if they deserve it, but not now.

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
Koffee Kosmo
What can I say
To bring a product to market is a daunting tast
I had many non Design issues when I made available my design to coffee roasting enthusiests

The amount of questions I recieved from left field were simply amazing but I happily answered all queries to everyone's satisfaction

In any case may I sugest that no one can make assumptions until the testing has been completed
And because all members are in the same information spot they are not the best persons to answer questions
The roaster operational / design questions should be directed to the designer as the designer has the intimate knowledge of the inner workings of his design

Edited by Koffee Kosmo on 02/05/2015 7:11 PM
I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
It looks very impressive. I don't think any modifications will be necessary on this roaster.

Congratulations to Jonas and the team!

KKTO Roaster.
Any time a person or organization works to bring a product to market for a limited sized subculture, we must applaud. The roaster appears both innovative and complete with several great features. I look forward to hearing more as orders are filled and the user experience begins to come forth.

I would caution fellow HRA members to be warm to Jonas, slow to critique, and generous as the product finds its place. Here's to the continual pursuit!
Brett Mason
balancing faith and family
over a cup of homeroast glory!
As ciel correctly pointed out for anyone who's considering this roaster for roasting the full stated capacity, it will produce the same amount of smoke per lb of coffee as any other drum roaster does assuming no means of incinerating it. So, 8 oz of coffee creates X amount of smoke then expect 4 times that amount which is not unexpected nor unusual.

For those who may have a kitchen hood that can only suck up a mouse instead of a large puppy or are unfortunate enough to have one of those fake hoods that only filters out large particles of grease and then blows the smoke back into your face (recirculating type), there are other options for you. As stated in previous posts on this subject, you can use an exhaust blower that is ducted through a window opening, or set the roaster near an open window with a fan blowing the smoke outside.

Another option is to throw together a fan assisted activated charcoal filter system with enough elements to handle the quantity being roasted.


A relatively inexpensive but very effective means of reducing the smoke/smoke odors from a roaster doing small batches is the use of activated carbon as a filter media. Buying off the shelf activated carbon filters gets expensive but you can buy the carbon media in granular form and load your own into window screen lined cardboard trays in a 12" x 12" x 2" size.


Stack 4 of them horizontally, one on top the other in a sheet metal or cardboard box. Leave a 4" space between the bottom filter and the bottom of the box, attach an inexpensive 100 cfm blower to the side of the bottom to draw air from the top of the box down through the media and out (into the room). Attach a 3 or 4" dia flexible corrugated aluminum tube capable of reaching above the Freshroast and attach the other end to a hole in the top of the box. You might have to make a makeshift funnel to grab enough of the Freshroast's exhaust.

Run the fan during the roast and leave it run for another 1/2 hour or so to remove any odors that escaped the filter.

This will be ugly but what the heck, use it and hide it afterwards. The carbon media should be stirred a bit if down the road it looses effectiveness. With the small batches you're doing I would expect it to go a long time.


Looking forward to seeing this bad boy browning some beans! woohoo

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
I have a commercial ventilator on the roof to exhaust stove/kitchen "stinkies" so I plenty of flow through but I still roast outside on a cart. I find it simpler for my situation to push a cart that is fully set up (roaster, electronics, beans, tools. etc) out on the patio, plug in, and start roasting. Set up time is 1-2 minutes before the roaster starts heating up.

I DO have to compensate for outside temp with the hottop. I'm hoping the mass of the steel in the San Franciscan will make a difference in this respect. 100lbs of plate steel with heavy insulation between the roasting chamber and outside of the roaster should not be affected by outside temperatures as much as the thin stainless skin around a hottop roasting chamber.

I've already been warned that I may have to wait 45 min to an hour to fully preheat the roaster before starting. The hottop keeps looking better and better as a home roaster the more I look at a small commercial roaster. The new R1 bullet might be a better choice for someone who home roasts as a "hobby"

Mick - "Drinking in life one cup at a time"
"I'd rather be roasting coffee"

Roaster 1: San Franciscan SF-1
Roaster 2: Hottop B-2K+
Roaster 3: 2 kilo Chinese drum
Grinders: Mazzer Major - Forte BG (x3)
Pour over: Hario - Bee House - Chemex - Kalita - Bodum
Drip: Bunn CWTF15-1 & CW15-TC (commercials)
Espresso: Pasquini Livia 90 auto
Vacuum: Cona - Bodum
Press: Frieling - Bodum Colombia
Is this something I am missing ... How are they taking care of the roasting smoke? Catalytic converter? Regular exhaust porting out a window, etc.?


"If this is coffee, please bring me some tea but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee." ~Abraham Lincoln
Let it smoke. I'm drooling for this roaster.
Hope the USB interface is generic enough that my Linux box can grab what's needed.
Portland, Oregon roasting with Popper to start; Behmor 2007 - 2013; Hottop 2014 - now,
What to do with TC4 parts now that I have Hottop 2k+ ??

nice hotos here as well as some info.



Let it smoke. I'm drooling for this roaster.
Hope the USB interface is generic enough that my Linux box can grab what's needed.

another drooler here Michael...


Ginny, thanks for posting links that contain photos and specifications for the Bullet - It's a great looking roaster with impressive specs.

A couple of numbers caught my eye, and I am curious about them. The specs state that the Roast Capacity is 1Kg, while the Daily Capacity is 3Kg.
Might that possibly be a misprint? If not, the specs suggest that the Bullet may not be designed to roast (at capacity) more than three times on a given day.

Granted that 3Kg of coffee per day should meet most home roasting needs. However, there may be times when higher quantities might be required. For example, last Christmas I needed to roast some coffee (5Kg) and some almonds (5Kg) for gifting; I was able to accomplish the above tasks in about two hours with my 1Kg roaster. I imagine that I am not alone, and that other HRO members may be gifting in a similar manner from time to time.

My question is directed towards HRO members (including Jonas), who have experience in designing and building coffee roasters from scratch. Assuming that the above specs are not a misprint, what reasons might the builder have for restricting daily usage of equipment to three roasts per day?

Ciel... seeking Heaven in my cup with ................................................................................................................. EXPOBAR Brewtus II - MAZZER Mini E - MAHLK?NIG Vario - GeneCafe - RAF-1 Extreme (Modified B-2 HOTTOP) - BellaTaiwan XJ-101

I do not think anyone, but Jonas can answer your question since no here has a Bullet.

There is a thread here, it has been here for some time, where you can ask Jonas, the designer/builder of the Bullet any questions you want.

You obviously have many, many questions that I clearly cannot answer for you.

Ciel, et al,

I have the answer to that question. I emailed Jonas about it and posted below is my query and his reply:


To Whom it May Concern,

I noticed on the technical specs in your brochure that the "Daily Capacity" was 3 kg. That is only 3 full roasts per day. Why the limit on roasting more? Is that a mistake and you really mean "Hourly capacity?


Nate H



Hi Nate

The reason we write 3KG is because we don't want to advertise the roaster as a 24/7 continuous commercial machine. It was not designed like this.
You can of course roast as much as you like, but some components might have to be replaced pre-maturely. Drum motor, belt, and exhaust fan motor comes to mind.
Nothing is going to overheat or fail if you roast continuously though.

Hope this helps.


Jonas Lillie

+886 970841470

Ask and ye shall receive!

Edited by threwitallaway on 02/09/2015 6:32 AM
Hottop B-2K w barryR thermocouple mod, Mazzer Mini /Super Jolly burrs, Salvatore E-61 group machine, Aeropress, French press.
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