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Links and Formulas Drum Roaster Building
This thread will be used for posting links or formulas useful for drum roaster construction.
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Helical vane radius calculator link previously posted by BobbyM15

Edited by allenb on 07/10/2015 1:40 PM
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Formulas for calculating vane radius values
allenb attached the following file:
spiral_flight_development_2_1.zip [46.21kB / 1142 Downloads]

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
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