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HG BM - Thermoprobe Readings
I have a k-type thermoprobe in the corner of my BM pan about 1/2" up from the bottom. The probe is small, probably 1/2" - 3/4" long or so. I hit first crack when the probe reads 180 C / 356 F (which seems textbook right). I pulled the beans when the probe read 205 C / 400 F. They seemed to be at a City + type of roast. Even medium brown without any oil spots showing.

Is this typical to what people are seeing with their temperature readings? It seems like the beans are further along than what the 205 C / 400 F should dictate?

For those who roast by temperature, when do you pull your beans?
I would suggest that you don't spend too much time trying to match what other people are getting. Every roaster is unique (some more than others). If you are getting consistent readings with the same bean, stick with it. Your readings seem textbook right? I am hitting first crack at about 200c. I end the roast any where from 213c to 227c. But Ive only been doing this for about four years so I'm still learning. As for color, no matter how light I go, it seems to always look the same to me as the medium roasts, even though tasting indicates that it is a light roast. My thermocouple wire broke a few weeks ago and I'm just too busy to replace with a new one. I'm just dropping the beans in, dropping the heat at or just before first crack, and taking them out when it seems right. I know how the roaster will perform , so I'm confident to use it that way. No temp logging. Very low concentration level.beach
Bad coffee prevails when good coffee roasters stand by and do nothing.
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