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Best Cooling Design
So from everyone's experience, which direction cools better, using a vacuum to pull air through the beans? i.e. Open air on the beans end, pulling into a closed space... Or using a fan to blow upwards through the beans?

I want to make a 5 gallon bucket type cooler. I see the simplest end of the spectrum being a colander on top with a hose leading to a vacuum drawing air downwards through the beans. This both collect smaller particles of chaff as well as cooling the beans. But wonder if it is faster or more efficient to cool by blowing air up into the beans using a fan. I only ask because of experiencing a slower manual cooling on a Colombian, and actually seeing the beans further roast a bit and darken while cooling.

Or is this just over thinking it?
Koffee Kosmo
This is my design on the link - http://forum.home...ad_id=1183

Its never let me down

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
Very nice...very nice indeed. I like that it is pulling the air through the beans downwards, and the holes at the bottom increase the airflow and circulation.

That gives me a good idea. Thank you KK!
Koffee Kosmo
For the top section
I now use two wire sieve units with different size holes

They are commonly called soil sieves

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
Ooooo, those are nice. Are those available retail in the states?
You can use cake dusting pans, they don't come with the super large gauge openings but you can get them on amazon and they are a similar design.
Koffee Kosmo


Tony_C wrote:

Ooooo, those are nice. Are those available retail in the states?

They were probably invented in the States for the gold rush

My father in-law gave me my 2 units

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
Cool, thanks both of you!
This one is six years-old. It's made from a PVC pipe fitting
(5x5x2). I wanted something that would out-last a plastic bucket. I don't use it to cool anymore, but I use it as a cleaner and blend tool.
oldgearhead attached the following image:

No oil on my beans...
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