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Greens Help - Thanks in advance
Been lurking and reading and found the answers I needed. I am a cast iron BBQ aficionado Couple of questions here then I will jump out in the wild. First, I have only roasted one pound so I am a real newbie, do all green beans produce chaff, I went to second crack with Sumatra Gaul mountain aribica and got zero,
Second is, I have no idea at all how to pick a flavor I am looking for so it is a shot in the dark, I will be getting a sampler from happy mug but if someone could recommend a loud full flavor robust coffee I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance,P M
Edited by ginny on 12/24/2015 7:21 AM
I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.
Oscar Wilde
Hello and welcome:

may I suggest you go to the roasting forum and ask about the beans otherwise your questions wil be lost here in this welcome/hello forum.

also to see all forums and have a better idea of where to post go to the top of any screen select/click ALL FORUMS...

Edited by ginny on 12/24/2015 7:22 AM
also Pastor, what do you mean by LOUD?

Something bold with flavor not fruity, maybe nutty. I know the one I like but the shop is 100 miles from me, I will give them a call
I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.
Oscar Wilde
If you do not want fruity only buy wet processed. You get the big fruit from the naturals. If you want a big coffee maybe look at sumatras. They are big but not real clean. All the Central American coffees are good and easy to roast, can not go wrong with Guatemala or Costa Rica.
All you need in life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure. Mark Twain
Welcome Pastor

As far as chaff, pretty much all beans will produce some amount of chaff but it can vary greatly from bean to bean especially depending on the processing. Don't worry about the level of or lack of chaff.

As far as beans, you did the best thing in ordering a sampler. I have no idea how descriptive happymug is with their beans. Sweetmarias gives excellent tasting notes which can be very helpful in figuring out what you like and then finding more beans that have a similar profile.

Experiment and enjoy!
Honey badger 1k, Bunn LPG-2E, Technivorm, Cimbali Max Hybrid, ECM Synchronika w/ Flow Control
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