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My 1st Roaster
Well no need for any suspense, It is a SR500 Freshroast. Now what brought me here. Well that is a story that began about 30 years ago. I had a friend who had one of the Melita roasters(she bought 5 of them for like 5 bucks each), She would buy 50lbs of Mexican beans at a time. There was always a bit of a scorched taste, but it was fun drinking home roasted coffee, since it was real uncommon.
Well life happened, I got married and went different ways. Well after life has unwound a bit I started getting out again, well I meet a fishing buddy, and it turns out he roasts coffee for a living. Well I had access to real good coffee (about 15 years ago). So that is where things stood for a while. Well I reconnected with a couple of former housemates, who happened to have launched into the coffee roasting business. Well I bought a espresso machine and need to feed it (in 1982 I had a job making espresso drinks). Well I sent a bit of time on the internet and decided I could not afford what I want, and a popcorn popper would be too small. The other options well they are still out there.
I have been roasting away, playing with it. Currently I am taking 2 minutes on low heat and high fan with a bit of turning. Then for the next minute I back the fan down to the 1 o'clock position. Next I hit medium heat at the 4 minute mark. The last two roasts (a Peruvian) ended about 8 minutes in the second crack. Works for me. coffee drink

The freshroast is a nice machine and there are others here roasting with it. Be sure to check the freshroast section of the forum. It sounds like you have done this before but feel free to ask any questions.

KKTO Roaster.
I have watched before but never been the driver. Though through my reading I knew more than I thought I did, I learned a lot watching that 150 year old Roaster working. Thank You!!
Here is how I do it and have never had a burnt bean yet...

See my Post #50
"If it Ain't Broke, Fix it 'til it is"!
MPSAN I already borrowed a bit from you, only one scorched bean so far, it got stuck in the middle of the grid. Still it is not as even as what I have seen from pro Drum roasters, one of which is a 150 years old.


DiggerinVA wrote:

MPSAN I already borrowed a bit from you, only one scorched bean so far, it got stuck in the middle of the grid. Still it is not as even as what I have seen from pro Drum roasters, one of which is a 150 years old.

OH, great to see someone read my post. woohoo I did not notice any uneven roasts yet. Before I got this SR500 I looked at Drum Roasters, but I am not sure their size, price, and cleaning is worth it for me. Still the Gene Cafe looked tempting. Maybe some day!
"If it Ain't Broke, Fix it 'til it is"!
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