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Just how many people love Yirgacheffe?
Behmor 1600+, SC/TO, KKTO (Building), Baratza Encore, Chemex, Bodum Chambord French Press, Turkish Cezve
That is definitely one of my favorites - also love Sidamo.
Life is too short to drink bad wine ... or bad coffee!
Sidamo! I took one to 427F and dropped it and it tasted so strongly of BLUEBERRIES... yumyumyum. I'm going to try another batch tonight, I think, and drop it a couple degrees sooner and see what happens.
Yirgs... hmmm. I've come to the conclusion the term is vastly over used. I've come across so many ups and downs yet all of them said they were from the Yirg region or a neighboring region. Yet I get some that are good, and some that are not so good, and everything in between. The biggest balance seems to be finding a good drop temp; what I thought was a good roast I gave to a friend, who reported it was waaaaaay too grassy and sour for his tastes. Yet for me, the same roast was quite acceptable. I could taste the grassiness, but for me the wonderful over riding citrus warranted a bit of grassiness. Different strokes.
The Yirgacheffe I get from Freshground Roasting, a local roaster, is far and away my favorite after sampling coffees from all of the major locations and from many different vendors. I like blending it 2:1 with one that comes from Mt. Elgon in Uganda too. I do a medium light roast for both terminating just a minute and about 7?C after the end of 1C. I like it so much that now that those two are all I'm consuming. But of course coffee choice is among the most subjective thing.
So many beans; so little time....
Well said, John. The Ka'u bean just took some prize very recently and is supposed to be great... but although I really like it, for me the Ka'u and konas all seem to be of the variety "the make it better with anything bean". I mix it with a yirg or a Guatemalan or whatever it seems to just make things smoother and better. The really neat part is (never had this come up with any other bean) when in the beginning stages of roasting the Ka'u, I get very distinct smells of boiling LOBSTER!!! Crazy, I know, but there it is.



walt_in_hawaii wrote:

Sidamo! I took one to 427F and dropped it and it tasted so strongly of BLUEBERRIES... yumyumyum. I'm going to try another batch tonight, I think, and drop it a couple degrees sooner and see what happens.

OK. Please tell me where I can buy one of these Ethiopians with blueberries! I have been looking for like 5 years.

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
Hi Chad, I posted on your other thread, so hope you saw it there. I got this one from Happy Mug, and just put in another order for a further 10 pounds.... although, its a finicky bean. The flavor profile is changing... a lighter roast taken to only 421F yesterday is not showing the blueberry flavors as strongly, and the same bean taken to 427F and 425F similarly did not show strong blueberry although 2 weeks ago the 421F was stellar. Hmph. I'm convinced my methodology and thermometry is not to blame, the beans are definitely changing as they age... no special precautions here, I'm just storing them in heavy ziplocks and burping as much as air as I can get out of them each time I fish out some beans.

....but of course Hawaii does have very heavy humidity and a rather high daytime temp.
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