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Duranium burrs for Super Jolly
Friday the FINAL (yea right) bits for my "Church lady" Super Jolly came in.....

Duranium burrs.....

Hand delivered from the far away Klingon Empire i1066.photobucket.com/albums/u414/turtle-web/misc/smiley/star-trek-klingon.gif

Mick - "Drinking in life one cup at a time"
"I'd rather be roasting coffee"

Roaster 1: San Franciscan SF-1
Roaster 2: Hottop B-2K+
Roaster 3: 2 kilo Chinese drum
Grinders: Mazzer Major - Forte BG (x3)
Pour over: Hario - Bee House - Chemex - Kalita - Bodum
Drip: Bunn CWTF15-1 & CW15-TC (commercials)
Espresso: Pasquini Livia 90 auto
Vacuum: Cona - Bodum
Press: Frieling - Bodum Colombia
They are calling them Duranium? I thought they are a Titanium alloy. Maybe someone is a big star Trek fan.

KKTO Roaster.


JackH wrote:

They are calling them Duranium? I thought they are a Titanium alloy. Maybe someone is a big star Trek fan.

They are titanium alloy Dura-Mill burrs.


They are cut and faceted differently from the OEM burrs, being cut closer to the center.

Edited by JackH on 03/23/2016 9:20 AM
Mick - "Drinking in life one cup at a time"
"I'd rather be roasting coffee"

Roaster 1: San Franciscan SF-1
Roaster 2: Hottop B-2K+
Roaster 3: 2 kilo Chinese drum
Grinders: Mazzer Major - Forte BG (x3)
Pour over: Hario - Bee House - Chemex - Kalita - Bodum
Drip: Bunn CWTF15-1 & CW15-TC (commercials)
Espresso: Pasquini Livia 90 auto
Vacuum: Cona - Bodum
Press: Frieling - Bodum Colombia
great link as I may need to replace my Mini burrs at some point...

I finally have the super Jolly dialed in.... Well almost anyway....

Seasoned the burrs with a pound of Starbucks DARK roasted (do they do anything else) Sumatran beans that have been sitting on my shelf since 2010 (I used to "date" my coffee so that I would "rotate" back when I did not know any better). I broke open the grocery store Starsmuck beans when the wife came across 3 large "buckets" of Folgers in our basement which took me out of roasting for almost 3 months before it was finally gone. It is amazing how lots of milk and sugar makes everything taste OK (well close to OK anyway). It took most of the old Sumatran to get the grind close to "eyeball espresso" (what looked to be fine enough). The vast majority of the grind is Moka pot sized and, depending on how bad it taste, will be Moka pot fodder.

Yesterday (after cleaning out the old bean residue) I loaded up the SJ with dry processed Yirgacheffe that I roasted a few days ago. I made WAY too many pulls that ran 8 seconds and working up. Then I just spun the SJ wheel and the last two pulls ran almost a full minute (56 and 42 seconds).....

When I shut down for the evening I once again "eyeballed" the grinder to what I thought would give me between a water fall and a dripping faucet (cut the range in half)

This morning's grind was 17.5 grams (I shoot for 15 grams) but the grind "looked" about right. Pull was 23 seconds.... WOW I am going to get a lotto ticket.

Adjusted the timer back half a second and the second grind was 15.5 grams. Pull stayed at 23 seconds.

Wife put her foot down and said NOT ANOTHER DAY OF TOO MUCH ESPRESSO so I shut down. I make a liter of pour over so we can have something to drink in the morning while we wait for the espresso machine to get up to temperature so we already had 2 cups of Colombian made with the Hario V60 using a Chemex filter (pretty nice stuff too) before starting in on the espresso.

I cut the timer back .18 seconds and tomorrow I should be closer to my 15 gram target. If I am a little short, I can "tap" the SJ for a bit more.

I can say without any hesitation that the new burr set is working just fine. No blow outs in the puck (even at almost a full minute pull). Grounds tamp better than I have ever experienced so they must be almost perfection as far as consistency in size.

This is NOT to say that I would have not gotten the same results using a spanking new set of OEM burrs as new burrs are new burrs.

I have to wonder if the "church lady" who sold me the SJ had her fingers crossed when she said that the grinder had only been used for meetings and the occasional weekend gathering of church members.

Anyway... I am now a very happy camper and looking forward to getting the time/setting spot on for the remainder of this dry processed Yirgacheffe

Mick - "Drinking in life one cup at a time"
"I'd rather be roasting coffee"

Roaster 1: San Franciscan SF-1
Roaster 2: Hottop B-2K+
Roaster 3: 2 kilo Chinese drum
Grinders: Mazzer Major - Forte BG (x3)
Pour over: Hario - Bee House - Chemex - Kalita - Bodum
Drip: Bunn CWTF15-1 & CW15-TC (commercials)
Espresso: Pasquini Livia 90 auto
Vacuum: Cona - Bodum
Press: Frieling - Bodum Colombia
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