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This conversation started in another thread and we will continue it here as Scott's post is not about pods...

CharcoalRoaster asked me if it was good:

My answer is as honest as I can be that NO machine COFFEE (read pods for god sake) can compare to fresh roasted beans, period. It was good for what it was, pod coffee.

All I drink is shots, is it fair for me to say that their full cup was bad, no as I did not have it, guess you add water to a shot or two.

The shot I had was not bad but did not compare to a real espresso, yeah there was crema there though it did not look as rich as I get from my machines that use real coffee and it kind of wilted fast...

Real coffee, I do not consider pods real coffee as they are freeze dried pieces of real coffee, they are not fresh by any known standard.

I have had the Keurig pods and they all taste alike branch water. Horrid stuff. Have had several other pod machine coffee and all were about the same not great.

The market for this stuff is HUGE, zillions of dollars a year in revenue to our pod boys and girls...

To me it all tastes like Folgers. though the Nespresso was a clear cut above I must admit hence it was excellent.

This conversation caught me by surprise so I am randomly adding ideas and will expand later.

Pods taste more like warm, brown water over coffee. The richness does not exist from pod coffee.

This is ONLY my perception and taste buds.
Edited by ginny on 04/13/2016 9:38 PM
I hear ya'. The most relevant comparisons would not be home-roasters or any of my local shops that put out a real cup.
Comparing Nespresso to the other players in the single serve category is certainly more useful. ...and that's exactly what their target consumer is doing.
The learning curve for the average coffee drinker to out-do the nespresso is long and expensive.
It certainly is not perfect, but it strikes a better balance between quality and accessibility.
Cheers, -Scott
Anyone have a Keurig and used their fresh roasted beans in the "K" cup?

Ken in NC
Now, I am confused. I tried to reply to this post about bad coffee.

Ken, ok all I wanted you to do was post YOUR QUESTION, the one above, in this thread, that's all. thank you...
Edited by ginny on 04/14/2016 6:21 PM
Backwoods Roaster
"I wish I could taste as well as I wish I could roast."

As Abraham Lincoln said "Do not trust everything you read on the internet".
I have done this and it is far better than any K-Cup I have bought. I only do this when I have a quick snack in the afternoon.
Edited by ginny on 04/14/2016 8:46 PM
"If it Ain't Broke, Fix it 'til it is"!


ginny wrote:

I have had the Keurig pods and they all taste alike branch water. Horrid stuff.

This is ONLY my perception and taste buds.

There is a surprising number of definitions for "branch water" ....none very good.
Cheers, Scott
Ha Scott:

your correct as branch water is akin to pond water...

more about pods as instant coffee...

found this link and curious about your thoughts!


honestly, I do not believe that how it is packaged or catchy words used to sell it, in my mind -

instant coffee is instant coffee.


$5 per cup...really!!!
"If it Ain't Broke, Fix it 'til it is"!
yeah, don't ya love it? guess it is a once a day habit with none on Sunday!!!

I mentioned above all instant coffee being just that, instant coffee and it all tastes the same for the most part anyway.

trust me when I say I have had them all and I am a bit older than most of the members here on HRO.

my family household, which consists of my older brother and oldest friend, drink Folgers if you can believe it since they have fresh roasted available daily. NOT

with these two it is a simple matter of being lazy as why go through the process of grinding just toss a spoonful of light brown flakes into a random cup and it's done...

nothing sickens me more but I simply overlook it as personal choice is in my rulebook.

most of the pods (read 95%) I have had tasted, taste like warm water, thin with zero body. hence my reference to branch water. branch water is used to ?cut? (water down) something prior to using; if I remember correctly whiskey was watered down with branch water in bootleg days. will need to look that up.

at any rate, people can drink whatever they wish as far as I am concerned.

please explain to me how you can take the best cup of coffee in the world, freeze dry it and end up with the same best cup of coffee in world? not possible.

will see if I can get these folks to send me, I will pay for it, a vile of their incredible instant coffee to try.

bet me it is thin and tasteless!!

Branch water in whiskey is the practice of cutting cask strength whiskey with the same river water that was used to make the whiskey in the first place. Certainly something for the whiskey snobs to fret about, and the only decent sounding definition of branch water that I read.

I picked up on the instant coffee story somewhere on Instagram last month. (A bit ironic)
Calling it "sudden" seems to highlight the fact that it is, well.....instant. Brave young man. Marketing that product seems like a tough go.
Remember when Charbucks invited the public to compare their New Instant Coffee to their Brewed coffee? I don't think it payed off.
I would've bet that the next evolution of instant would come in the form of liquid extract. It seems like an easier marketing step with the growth of cold-brew.
A quality dried instant seems prohibited more by cost than science.
At the retail price this "Sudden" product is commanding, I'll bet the profit pales in comparison to what Nespresso nets from selling pods. Their pod coffee retails at over $70us per lb. Not too shabby.
Cheers, -Scott
Branch is a small creek, stream, in this area. Moonshine is made from good water found in these parts. So, branch water to temper the whiskey may actually be great water. Like what I have from my pump, 210 ft down. Nothing but cabins above me.
The creek/branch behind my cabin comes from a spring a quarter mile above. Only one resident, there, and us.
So, it may be a different definition somewhere else, I read Branch water as a good thing. Now, I know you didn't mean 'good'.
Backwoods Roaster
"I wish I could taste as well as I wish I could roast."

As Abraham Lincoln said "Do not trust everything you read on the internet".
Bringing in my car for it's 24,000 mile check tomorrow morning. Will probably have some pod coffee there.
Hey, it's free!

KKTO Roaster.
My sister owns a Keurig and has the break apart "cup" as well as "store" packaging.

If you use enough milk and sugar it is a surprisingly good cup of sweet coffee.

I did have a Nespresso shot a few years ago when a local cooking supply store had a demo of the machine. Not too bad as a straight shot.

I just prefer the "old fashion" method of roasting, grinding, and pulling shots but IF (big if here) I did not know how to make coffee the Nespresso would be better than instant coffee with powdered creamer.

I've also used Illy pods in a Francis Francis many many years ago..... not too bad either but it has been a long time so my "taste memory" may be a little fuzzy on this one too...
Mick - "Drinking in life one cup at a time"
"I'd rather be roasting coffee"

Roaster 1: San Franciscan SF-1
Roaster 2: Hottop B-2K+
Roaster 3: 2 kilo Chinese drum
Grinders: Mazzer Major - Forte BG (x3)
Pour over: Hario - Bee House - Chemex - Kalita - Bodum
Drip: Bunn CWTF15-1 & CW15-TC (commercials)
Espresso: Pasquini Livia 90 auto
Vacuum: Cona - Bodum
Press: Frieling - Bodum Colombia

Yes, instant IS instant. Except that we did visit the KONA coffee plantation and they had some instant packets. I bought a few and threw them in our luggage. Later, when we got home I tried one and was very surprised at how good it was.

As far as age goes, I still remember when we only had 1 TV station to watch and it was only on afternoons and evenings...and we had 5 digit phone numbers! Ours was 58225!
"If it Ain't Broke, Fix it 'til it is"!
Hope all went well at the auto-shop. The coffee never really seems free by the time you're checking out. On the upside, the pods are a huge improvement over what was previously available at that venue. The same thing applies to the "office coffee" segment. Pods took over a huge slice of that market. But I am still a bit curious why.
Is it just more convenient? Is it just that it taste a bit better...maybe? Or....is it just because the office manager got tired of people arguing about who drank the last cup and didn't brew more?
Cheers, -Scott
Scott, I think it is all of the above. PODS, or K-Cups, are much better than a pot that has been sitting at car dealers waiting rooms for hours. Also, you can choose decaff if you want or even tea. Staff has little or no cleanup either.
"If it Ain't Broke, Fix it 'til it is"!
Convenience wins for the bulk of coffee drinkers, no doubt.

On another matter; Out in town, the ristretto is essentially gone. Some third waver will make one for you...if you don't mind losing the top layer of skin off your tongue. (I'll forego the full rant)
The Nespresso pixie (original line) actually makes a pretty good one.
Overall, they seem to make pretty good shorts. Not very good at longs.
Cheers, Scott
"Anyone have a Keurig and used their fresh roasted beans in the "K" cup?"

I volunteer at a place that has a keurig, and that's what I do. I grind enough for my morning mug and fill a K-cup to take along. Lot's better than the years old boxes of pods or their several hour old pot of swill made in a dirty coffee maker.

And "Branch water" was a good thing where I'm from too. You would hear my dad ask for a "bourbon and branch," meaning bourbon and plain water rather than say a scotch and soda. Of course that was when stream water was considered drinkable....
Hi Jan. I tried. I really, really tried. I ordered multiple brands of aftermarket filter cups. I tried a full range of grinding. I played around with restricting water-flow....and beyond.
I eventually ended up at a solid mediocre. Certainly better than the pod stuff, but a dis-service to the beans I used.
Good luck. Cheers, Scott
Yup, a solid mediocre is about right. It's just the mess of making good coffee (good to us) when at work. I would have to put the grounds in a sealed cotainer so as not to lose any of the volitile oils we roasties love about our fresh ground. I'd have to bring my Bodum travel mug/press pot, and I'd need my electric kettle.....It's like packing for a trip. It's just so much easier to pack my own pod. Or I just go and get a DD Iced Coffee. Shock
The biggest issue with the reusable pods for us, and we went a couple of years with a Keurig and our home roast...

CLEANING. At one point I had about 40 pods, because I hated cleaning them so much that I'd let them build up before doing a massive round of cleaning...

and then I had so many that some started getting moldy before I got around to cleaning them....

and I ended up chucking the whole lot out and going back to my trusty Moccamaster.

Started with FreshRoast+, moved through a Cafe Rosto, two Alpenroasts, iRoast, managed to set a Behmor on fire, a couple of GeneCafes and now my shiny new Hottop
The ekobrew is OK and not too hard to clean at all. It makes the best Keurig coffee from my roasted beans, but I do not do it very often.
"If it Ain't Broke, Fix it 'til it is"!
Hi Guys,who can advise the Keurig coffee maker?pouring


Mike0101 wrote:

Hi Guys,who can advise the Keurig coffee maker?pouring

Maybe some true coffee experts would say that it?s a third-rate choice, but still it?s worth remembering that you?re going to buy it for your home and there?s no need in some super cool and expensive coffee machine. So, I would definitely say yes, it is a good choice for home. Easy in use, fast to clean, comparatively cheap. Considering the usage, the best thing I can do is share this article ? https://homus.org...se-keurig/. They also include a small comparative list of the models.


Mike0101 wrote:

Hi Guys,who can advise the Keurig coffee maker?pouring

What is your question about the Keurig? I'll offer advice carefully on the subject smile
Edited by ThomasCee on 04/17/2018 5:18 PM
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