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Wayback Machine: Caffe Rosto...Not On The List
Anyone here still using a Caffe Rosto? I just bought a used CR-100 and was hoping for some sage advice from you folks. Using 135-140g coffee it seems to roast wwwaaayy faster than in the manual says it should. I'm getting a temp gun, but until then????

Jan, I used one for a couple of years and I ended up separating the fan and heat circuits as is done with a popper to allow making heat adjustments. But, I was able to achieve a pretty good roast at full output but had to increase batch size to slow the roast down.

I found, as others have, that creating a slight tilt by taping a small block underneath the edge of the bottom surface allows much improved bean circulation and larger batch size than when level. You'll have to experiment with various degrees of tilt before finding the magic angle. The beans tend to travel in a much more pronounced wave when tilted than when flat.

See #3 in this archived thread from Homeroast digest:


1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Hi Allen,

Thank you, that is some archive of information! Yes, I've been doing the "Rosto Rock", only because I knew from doing that with my other roasters. Your idea of adding a block is perfect, I'll do that today. I think a Variac may be in order here as I don't want to screw up the machine if I add another control to separate the heat from the fan wiring. I have the soldering iron waiting and a Radio Shack nearby, just in case I feel inspired to take the poor old thing apart.

I've roasted a batch of Costa Rica Carrizal and a Sumatra Mandheling/Ethiopia Sidamo blend (trying for a Mocha/Java) just to see what I'd get and the CR-100 does produce a nice even roast. I'll try dropping the batch weight, see if it slows down the roast some...I'll also try one batch near the kitchen sink and a fire extinguisher today using the suggested time in the manual just to see if I get a charred mess.bbq

Thanks again,

I bet Thom at sweet maria's has some old threads and advice on the Rosto as he used to sell them...

I will look but check there when you can...

plus I remember an old forum that was dedicated to the Rosto will look and see if I can find them...


Thanks Ginny, any luck? I read everything on the CR-100 I could find on the SM site and have been combing the web. Thanks to Allen's post above I got into the old SM HomeRoast Digest archives and have started to search around in there. I've even tried getting in touch with Mike McGuiness who had a lot of info on the CR-100 up on the Comcast pages at one time, which are no longer hosted.

I realize that since you can't attach a computer to a sledge hammer I will be limited in what I can do with this roaster. But I can try to roast the best darn coffee I can in it!

Thanks again,

Mike is a really nice guy and he will most likely send you all the stuff he has; if you cannot get him let me know. he is a Rosto God...


let me see what else I can find.

Thanks Ginny, PLEASE get in touch with Mike. Tell him I already have the "Mark of The Rosto", he should understand...BBQ grill

will do, I will zip him off and email. he has a coffee cafe in Vancouver.


Actually, Its now 2, but I believe it's in Portland.
Compass Coffee, Vancouver WA

honest it is, this is the new location...


Ok, didn't know he moved, but knew the name. I chatted with me when I ordered my North, he was wanting to get a new loring (if I remember right)
Edited by JackH on 07/24/2016 4:11 PM
Thanks again, an Altoids tin is the perfect block for the Rosto! Also moved the machine farther away from the main electrical panel. I know voltage levels change around the house, so I moved out back to the mud/sun room and opened up both doors for smoke venting. Between the location shift, a little tinkering with the batch size and the block tilt it slowed the roast down but I'll still get a variac. I live on a mountainside in NE Pennsylvania, I am NOT roasting coffee out there come Winter...talk about a slow roast!christmas tree

Happy to be roasting again,
Darn spelling check, loring, not losing
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