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Yes, We Are Eccentric....What Other Homemade Drinks/Foods Do You Enjoy Making?
As home roasters, we are already considered eccentric...and like me I'm sure many of you also do other labor intensive things most folks take for granted like making your own wine or beer, cheeses, growing food and preserving it, baking bread or pizza from scratch, etc. It's the time consuming things we do for the fun, flavor and health benefits that most people consider either snobby or the hard labor of our ancestors, and they are happy with "mediocre" and glad to not have to deal with the work themselves. I believe it's not being snobby if you do the work yourself, it's appreciating the results you get from effort applied and that's where we come in, if sometimes a bit too passionately for some people.

I'm curious, as we seem to be a rare breed, what other consumables do you guys put your hearts into? I ask about items consumed because they aren't like works of art or crafts that are made to last for the future, these leave no trace except things to wash....

superb Champagne...
a lovely fresh Brioche loaf, ideally from a Paris bakery...
Homemade Oak Smoked Pork Butt, Pastrami, German Franks, Saurecraut, Ribs, Chuck Roast. Homemade Kosher Dill Pickles. Again all homemade.


"If this is coffee, please bring me some tea but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee." ~Abraham Lincoln
"superb Champagne..., a lovely fresh Brioche loaf, ideally from a Paris bakery..."

Nope, I wanted to know what YOU lovingly hand-made here, at home to consume...besides home roasted coffee!
I'm a Vegetarian, but I can appreciate the effort that curing and smoking take. The fermented stuff like pickles and sauerkraut impress the heck out of me!
Homemade Kosher Dills:
28 gherkin cucumbers washed and rubbed to remove any little prickers on them, slice a sliver of cumber off each end. Put in bleached 6 gallon bucket. On top put 9 tablespoons non iodized salt, a good handfull of fresh washed dill plant, 6 cloves of slightly crushed garlic, 12 crushed peppercorns, and 5 crushed bay leaves. Pour 12 cups boiling water over everything and put a clean plate on top and weight it down with a closed container of water to keep cucumbers, etc., under the water. Place in cool area of home and cover bucket top with thick clean towel. Check every day for any areas of scum that may form and remove with spoon. Check every day. Every other day check cucumbers for doneness. It generally takes about 4 days for half sours, or a week for conventional full sours. When ready just get a bunch of sanitized mason jars and fill with pickles; but leftover strained brine in jars to cover. Put mason jar lids and caps on and refrigerate. They will keep over a month. They are awesome! Homemade saurcraut is similar, however you just use fresh shredded cabbage and salt, thats it. No water is added, but you do again weight down with plate and container of water. You let the saurcraut ferment for about 2 weeks or so. The longer it ferments the stronger it gets. When done you just bag in zip lock bags and freeze. It is awesome warmed up on the stove with a bit of olive oil and caraway seeds; we also mix frozen peas in it for an extra treat. Great on homemade pastrami and rye sandwiches!

"If this is coffee, please bring me some tea but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee." ~Abraham Lincoln
sorry, will post a bit later...


I need to learn how to read!!
I got a wild sourdough going (water and wheat and time) and make bread, etc, from that with Hard Red Spring Wheat that I grind.
I make my own Seitan. Gluten based protein (70-80% protein). The key is the texture. That took a few years to get right. Too foamy and it just isn't right. (No, I'm not a vegetarian)
I collect and fix my own vintage camp stoves. (http://classiccam...website) I have some over 100 years old. This is my greater obsession than coffee. So many stoves, so little time.

Ken in NC
Backwoods Roaster
"I wish I could taste as well as I wish I could roast."

As Abraham Lincoln said "Do not trust everything you read on the internet".


Jan wrote:

I'm a Vegetarian, but I can appreciate the effort that curing and smoking take. The fermented stuff like pickles and sauerkraut impress the heck out of me!

Isn't "Vegetarian" an old Native American word for "bad hunter"?

Just asking...Roflmao
"If it Ain't Broke, Fix it 'til it is"!
I learned to shoot with bow and gun when I was about ten. Vegetarian is an old Native American word for "Does Not Need To Kill To Live Well". ThumbsUp
I was kidding of course.
"If it Ain't Broke, Fix it 'til it is"!
I make whole wheat bread from hard red wheat berries. I make chocolate sweetened with stevia.
So many beans; so little time....
Mmmmmm. .. just beer an and bread but not that often. I'm actually quite lazy so if I can automate anything I will...
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