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Restrictor Plate Roaster by MarkBart
Hi Eddie!
I actually use the larger hole for the stick shift to stir the beans out of the corners, the other hole aims the heat gun down the center to assist the paddle to move the beans and apply DEEP HEAT! (sounds like an old commercial doesn't it). I found with the Milwaukee HG this setup was essential when doing pound and a half roasts. I would probably cut a new larger plate for stability but stay with two holes. The painters tape stick the thermolimiter and the pan heat sensor to the outside of the shell. It also holds the control panel in place untill I can find the screws again, my version of Bear Bond hehehehe.
Mark B.
Okay ... I can't resist any longer and have to ask ...

Have you ever tried throwing the lizard in there and having a go of "local cuisine?"

Fess up now! What was it like? Chicken?


Eddie Dove

The South Coast Coffee Roaster
vita non est vivere sed valere vita est
Home Coffee Roasting Blog and Reference
I wouldn't know. The lizards are my roasting buddies. Even this one looks like a lizard! c:3
Yeah ... I couldn't do it either. They are all Lenny (or Loni) the lizard to me and every year we get fresh batches of the little ones in the gardens.

One day, one tried to jump from the brick into the bush when I was walking by and landed inside my shirt! Whole lotta shakin' goin' on!!!


Eddie Dove

The South Coast Coffee Roaster
vita non est vivere sed valere vita est
Home Coffee Roasting Blog and Reference
Not to mention all the unnessessary bugs they eat off my tomatos and peppers. I'm not lookin to make any enemies.
Ok's after 5 months of doing 1.5 lb roasts I changed to 2 lb roasts. And now after 2 months of 2 lb roasts and the addition of the dust collector / pail / collander bean cooler i pushed the envelope again!
I went Metric! yes 2 lb of greens now is weighed out as 900 gr (450 gr in each of 2 large mouth quart mason jars). This is 772 gr of roasted coffee beans, using my Bolivian fave.
And Now since 900 gr is so close, wait for it. . . . (drum Roll Please!)

My Breadman Pro / Milwaukee Heat Gun is now a 1 KILO Machine!
First crack at 15 minutes at 66 degrees F, 2nc crack at 19 minutes, pull and dump in cooler. 3 minutes later beans at 75 degrees.
1 Kilo of greens = 856 gr of Brown Bolivian Goodness at FC.
Edited by MarkBart on 01/06/2008 3:04 PM
A full KILO. Shock That's thoroughly disgusting. s:7

Jealous in Atlanta.
Next stage,
The Breadman Pro is a 2 lb machine with a short - retangular breadpan, I use it for 1 lb and up to and including 1 Kilogram batches. It has problems getting even roasts with batch sizes of half pound and smaller.
Instead of buying roll sheet metal and making a removable inner liner I turned to the Salvation Army replacement breadmaker the wife uses for bread. It's breadpan is tall - square.
Design prolems? short - rectangular pan is held in the Breadman Pro with clips that extend from the short ends of the rectangle while tall - square pan is held in by dovetails molded into the aluminum base surrounding the stirring rod.
Solution: tall - square pan centered atop the Breadman Pro's stirring rod, pan rotated so the back corner is wedged into the inner liner with the handle wedged against the front inner liner. Restrictor plate fits over the new pan with the HG blasting in.
Why: This pan is approximately 3.5 inches square and easily kept 250gr and 126gr batches in constant motion for more even roasting. Roast time on High Speed was 6 min to 1st crack, 8 min to 2nd with 250gr, and on Low 14 min to 1st, 16 min to 2nd with 126gr.

Conclusion: I was lucky to have both breadpans fit my machine with the 30 minute dough cycle, you may not have that luxury and have to opt for the roll sheet inner liner like the one illustrated in the other thread. The Restrictor Plate Roaster is an ever evolving thing.
MarkBart attached the following image:

Edited by MarkBart on 06/21/2008 1:38 AM
I'm so Bad, I'm Good! www.homeroasters.org/php/images/smiley/cool.gif
I'm putting the small back into Small Business!
And the next step is to build your own custom container. Multiple level paddles and 5 pound capacity... oh, the stuff of dreams!

Interchanging breadpans. So simple. So effective. Nice job, Mark!
Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
Hmmm custom container . . . , Naw, the drive motor wouldn't be able to move 5 pounds, even with multiple paddles, will need to design a whole new roaster to handle the extra weight. maybe an inclined BBQ drum, wait not a drum, a cone to handle any sized batch. But how would you get the vanes all the way to that tiny point? would have to truncate the cone, better make two, one with vanes to stir the beans and one without to bake the gyro meat in, they could be mounted side by side with the rotissery handles sticking out the front, and the motors low and below the back of the unit. But not too low, wouldn't want the grease to drip off the rods onto the motors. This could make the roasting cones open ended, one less step to do in unloading the freshly roasted beans. A quick dump of the beans into the cooling rig, a shot of Oozo, and a hearty OoooPa!
MarkBart attached the following image:

Edited by MarkBart on 06/21/2008 1:39 AM
I'm so Bad, I'm Good! www.homeroasters.org/php/images/smiley/cool.gif
I'm putting the small back into Small Business!
No, no, no. 5 pounds via a screw drive. Think "Nesco". Perf the outside of the screwdriver container and use a solid outer container so the heat envelops the entire perf bean container. Peace of cake.

Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover
With a ring of 500w halogen bulbs aligned with the central axis and positioned in between the perfed screwdriven container and the solid walled outer container heating the beans thru the perfs as they march up the vanes only to be toppled back into the center by the support bars at the top. It would have to spin at a great enough speed to move the beans without scorching them as they pass infront of the lamps, it would give nice beanie waterfall effect at the top. Maybe we could crisscross the beaniefall as they fall back to the bottom. It would be great for filming . . . Lights! Camera! Bean Action!

I'm so Bad, I'm Good! www.homeroasters.org/php/images/smiley/cool.gif
I'm putting the small back into Small Business!
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