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Heat gun wok roast
I have done a few roasts in my wok over a camping stove and while I can get decent results I have been looking for a better solution and more even heat. This is when I decided to add a heat gun to my method.

I switched to an electric stove and placed my heat gun on top similar to the bread maker method but different. I now had heat on top and bottom of the wok in an attempt to create a more even temperature environment.

It worked fairly well once I got the electric stovetop dialed in and the correct the amount of beans to best roast. I found I could roast 500g of greens but the sweet spot for most even consistency was 150g of greens.

I had first crack about 6 minutes in, second crack around 9 and finished at 10 in the middle of second crack, this was with some Peru Quillabomba. With some Ethiopia Yergacheffe IDIDO natural I was at first crack about 7.5 minutes and pulled it at 8.5 once the rolling cracks finished.

I used a colander over a box fan to cool the beans very quickly.
valleyrider attached the following images:
img_3143.jpg img_3142.jpg img_3136.jpg
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