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Sweethome.com Best Grinder Tests?
Matt in Virginia
Ladies & Gentlemen,
I was curious what your thoughts were on the following test:


They say the Baratza Virtuoso virtually duplicated the results of the Mahlkonig EK43 which is most impressive to say the least(for a duffer). One would have to wonder how long a plastic table top would maintain such performance or either I am asking the wrong questions...Grin

Your thoughts would be very much appreciated...

Happy Holidays...

Best Regards, Matt in Virginia.
Edited by JackH on 12/19/2016 2:49 PM
Koffee Kosmo
These type of grinders should be classed as appliances
Used on a daily basis multiple times will wear them down quickly

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
Wow, and to think, I have a Virtuoso.
I would like to see what that $200 piece of cheap plastic did if you changed settings several hundred times while running even 100 pounds of beans through it compared to the how the EK43 did then.
Also, since this was basically a borrowed EK43, how many pounds of beans had been run though it before they used it for this test.

Also, I don't think you can judge how any grinder performs until it has enough beans run through it to season the burrs. All of them should have at least 20 pounds of beans run through them before evaluating their grind quality. Some commercial grinders don't reach their best grind until they get as much as 100 or more pounds through them.

This reminds me of a right up on the best espresso machines, a $179 Krupp's won that one.
I've had a Virtuoso since 2010. I have ran more than 1000 pounds through it. I have replaced the burrs with the newer style about two years ago.
I have 'caught' two rocks and plugged it up with 'wet' coffee beans. I had to replace the gear-motor once. I like it because it is very easy to repair...I would trade it for an EK43, if someone has one..
Edited by oldgearhead on 12/20/2016 7:22 AM
No oil on my beans...


oldgearhead wrote:

I've had a Virtuoso since 2010. I have ran more than 1000 pounds through it.

WOW !! That is like 143 lb per year, on average, and 12 lb a month, 2.7 lb a week and 0.4 lb lb a day !!

And here I was concerned because I'm consuming 90 gm each morning... guess I haven't developed a tolerance to caffeine yet woohooShock
So many beans; so little time....
ChicagoJohn, yours is still twice mine most of the time. On a typical day I have a 12oz cup with 18 grams in the early morning 5-6AM. About 6:30 I take another short sleep and about 7:30-8AM when I get up, I have a 8oz cup with 12 grams. About 2PM I generally have another 8oz, 12 gram cup before I take a 1/2-1 hour siesta in the afternoon.
I think coffee affects me different than most people, it actually helps me sleep. Within 20 minutes of drinking a cup, I have to fight to hold my eyes open if I sit down and relax.
My arthritis doesn't let me sleep more than a few hours, so I have to get up and move around for a couple hours, then go back to bed for an hour or so and generally, I'm need a nap in the afternoon unless I'm working my butt off on something.


ChicagoJohn wrote:


oldgearhead wrote:

I've had a Virtuoso since 2010. I have ran more than 1000 pounds through it.

WOW !! That is like 143 lb per year, on average, and 12 lb a month, 2.7 lb a week and 0.4 lb lb a day !!

And here I was concerned because I'm consuming 90 gm each morning... guess I haven't developed a tolerance to caffeine yet woohooShock

That's about right. 50 grams two times a day, and 120 grams when company comes over.

No oil on my beans...
That is an honest review???
Wouldn't believe anything they have to say ,they are part of The NY Times organization .
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