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Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Gedeb Washed
I dumped the beans at about 405F (Bean Temp). First crack is at 385F for most beans in my roaster. Might have cooked some of the flavors a bit.

KKTO Roaster.
I got my batch of Gedeb washed and roasted it very light, only to 20F past 1C. An interesting bean, not sure what I think of it yet... no heavy fruit or floral, just a background of it; but a very clean, smooth flavor; very different from the other (natural) yirgs that I have been roasting. No heavy smoky flavors. hmmm.
You may have roasted past them. You want to stop these just as the last beans snap. Happy Mug also is right about roasting them fast through the middle. I normally roast most beans so FC is approx. 9:30 and I roasted that first batch to a FC at 7:15. I did a small batch last night to see how I liked that shorter roast chamber and went to 9:00 for FC and there is a very noticeable difference in flavor.

I should note, these are the Naturals I've roast, I haven't tried the washed yet.


JackH wrote:

I dumped the beans at about 405F (Bean Temp). First crack is at 385F for most beans in my roaster. Might have cooked some of the flavors a bit.

After working through 10 lb of Yirga from Theta Ridge and several other SO's, I finally got around to a comparison from Happy Mug similar to what you wrote about, and got 3 lb each of "Ethiopia Natural Yirgacheffe WOTE Konga" ($6.68/lb). Wote seems to be a washing station but he says in the write up it's a dry processed natural and a mixture of varietals leaning towards Yemen. His notes also say it isn't as sweet or floral as other yirgacheffes, which is why I particularly like them. Anyway, I also got 3 lb of the Yirgacheffe Kochere ($5.25/lb). His notes on this one indicate the complexity and sweetness I tend to like.

I've done several roasts using each now and since they both got high marks from him, I didn't know what to expect. But today I concluded I prefer the washed, Kochere, which happens to be $1.43/lb lower in price. I really like the sweetness, complexity and florals. Previously I'd been blending a Mt Elgon with a Yirga, but form me the Kochere works fine as-is. He says he generally greatly prefers dry processed, but from what I can gather among HRO users, the consensus seems to be for washed, and that's definitely how it came out for me in this particular comparison.

I roasted these in 340 gm batches on the recent Oreck XL driven air roaster using a decreasing ROR profile with 1C at about 385?F around 9 minutes and rapid, in-chamber cooling at 405?F, about 4?F/min ROR at the end. So today I'm going to order 20 lb of the Kochere now that I know I can get it at the reduced shipping rate, and I'll start working on that for the vacuum packed, freezer stash to use this winter when it's too cold to roast here.

Thanks for sharing your experience, JackH !
So many beans; so little time....
Thanks! -- glad I could help John. Let us know how the Kochere goes...

KKTO Roaster.
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