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Ew! Weird Film - Pourover Brewing
Hi Everyone! I'm brand new to this forum and new to homeroasting. ..only about 2 months in! I've been roasting in a Whirley, small batches about 226g. I roasted some Timor (about 4 days ago) to a tad past FC+ (...I'm totally guessing here, folks!). So this morning I brewed some up at the office in my pourover. All looked and tasted pretty darn good! And then... as the coffee cooled. ...ew!! A strange film, almost like a thick layer of latex paint, formed on the side of my cup. What the..?! Any thoughts on what this might be? I'm not sure if it's related to my roasting or my brewing. The water in my office might be on the hard side, and I think I brewed w water that was a bit too hot... any ideas would be appreciated!! Thx!
LindaBinCT attached the following image:
Welcome to HRO Linda!
Unfortunately, the dreaded latex-like scum layer in the cup is a defect with Timor that no one has ever been able find a cure for. I always spoon it off into the trash before my first sip.

Just kidding Grin My guess is that something happened in the office dishwasher or somebody down the hall got hold of your cup and didn't give it a proper cleaning.

Let us know if it happens again and post often!

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
I agree with what Allen said. Cup probably was not cleaned properly and coffee oils stuck to it leaving the schmutz thumbdown you see in the cup.

"If this is coffee, please bring me some tea but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee." ~Abraham Lincoln
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