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Android / IOS Data Logging App Ideas
I am thinking about developing a mobile app that would make it easier to log all data during a roast, but not require the expense and time of building a TC4 based device. It would not control the roast, but show you precisely where you are in relation to your previous roast or loaded profile. It would use one or more inexpensive bluetooth thermometers like this one.


One of these will be mounted inside my bbq drum, and one inside the grill itself.

Basically, you would start the roast on your app, and click a button whenever you drop the beans, see smoke, 1c, 2c, dump, whatever you wanted to track. In subsequent roasts, you will see you deviation from the intended profile and can adjust on accordingly.

I would love to get input for folks (positive or negative), about this idea. Basically, for the cost of $18 each for a few thermometers, I hope to give myself all of the data I need to steer the roast.
I am expanding in this moment the greencardigan TC4 app, to use the Mastech MS6514 dual USB thermometer.
The price is similar, $45 for two temperatures, but Mastech device is more flexible, can be used with Artisan on a laptop, or even standalone, capturing itself some thousands data sets (time+two temperatures).
The main functionality is achieved atm, serial comm and protocol handling done and tested, I am polishing the app, hope to be done in 1-2 weeks.
In a second phase I intend to add two PWM outputs for heater and fan control, using audio channels and PWM dimmers. This imply also implementing the whole PID logic of Artisan.

This app will cover the Android side of the roast, the "white side" being still virgin, so you can approach the iOS part of the Crack smile
Roasters: DIY: TO based IR 200-640g
Commercial, moded: Skywalker, Dieckmann RoestMeister, Nesco, popper(s).
Electronics: TC4ESP (author), MS6514, USB/Artisan/Apps (contributor), PID controllers
Grinders: Potu ghost burrs, Arco, Xeoleo ghost burrs, Krinder, vintage PeDe Dienes, MBK Feldgrind, Kinu M38
Brew/presso: ALM pour over, Arin lever, Staresso Mirage, Hario Cafeor dripper, Flair Signature, Kompresso, Aeropress, Gaggia Mini
Nice. I am going the bluetooth route so that I can easily mount a thermometer inside my custom bbq drum. Similiar to an RK.

If this project goes forward, the app will be for most platforms (ios, android, win, etc)
Not sure how the BT/electronics part could resist to hundreds degrees, they can't be placed on the drum itself, must be remoted some way, so you still deal with wires even using those devices.
Even the magnets loose their attraction above 80-100C ;)
Wire will run inside the drum shaft, and the unit will be mounted on the end of the handle, outside of the grill. :-)
Interesting. Do you have one of these yet and do you know how often and what format it sends data in?

If it sends csv data I'd be interested trying one with my bluetooth apps.
I have one ordered. Likely bluetooth L.E. We'll see when it gets here. ????
Weber bought this thermometer from iDevices. Looking at their online documentation, it does use BLE. It will be a GATT server, that is either polled by the app periodically, or sends readings at a set interval.
The app can either request the current temp value at a preset interval, or an event handler can be created, and the device would call it whenever the temp value changes.
I received the BLE kitchen thermometer, and have installed it inside my bbq roaster drum. A generic BLE explorer app successfully connected to the thermometer, so I should have no problems receiving realtime notifications whenever the temp changes.

I think I will move forward with this app. Here is my initial idea of how it could function. Any suggestions are welcome. The app will work on any android or iOS device, phone or tablet, and likely chromebooks as well.

Main app screen will have 3 buttons:

Define Sensors
Load profile
Start roast

Clicking "Define Sensors" will allow you to add as many temp sensors as needed. The app will start searching automatically after the button is clicked. You woukd turn on the first probe, and once it is detected give it a name (beantemp, envTemp, ambient, etc). Repeat for each sensor.

Load profile and start roast are self explanatory... ????

In would love to get feedback and or interest level...
Sounds good.

- Will it allow saving recorded roasts to the device?
- Will the roast profile show markers for roast events like start of FC etc.
That is the plan for both. Roast profile will be saved on thd device. I could optionally also save to the web for archiving/sharing.

During the roast, there would 1 or more buttons that you would press to record the start of an event. Then, when doing subsequent roasts with that profile loaded, there would be a countdown timer to indicate when the event should occur, along with actual and expected temp values.
Hey there and thanks for your hard work on this app! Is there an update on the status of it? I'm looking for something compatible with my chromebook to get into profile roasting and heat graphing.
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