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Huky 500T Owner Checking In
Hello guys,

I was a semi active member on the hukyforum but since its closure i have been a forum nomad. I have found some good people and responses on the /r/roasting section of reddit but have been looking for a place with a little more focus and discussion.

I have been roasting for over 4 years now. I started on a turbo crazy for a bit learning everything I could about the beans themselves but reached a point where more control was a want. I upgraded to the Huky 500T and have never looked back. I seriously love this little guy. It is definitely a bit of a tinker roaster but I have found it to be very capable.

I have been roasting and brewing and sharing my coffee spreading the good word of great coffee.
Huky 500T
From a noob, hello and looking forward to you helpful hints
Always learning
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