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Hand crank grinders for Backup Grinder
I am shopping for a backup grinder for when the hurricane kills the power or when the electric grinder goes in for repairs etc..

I was tempted by the $200 ROK but then I saw a less expensive but suitable hand grinder for $65. It is the Crushgrind Brazil. It has ceramic burrs and is well supported with very little wobble.Reviews indicate that it will grind for espresso (uniformly). The only negative review I have found is that the plastic ground coffee receptacle will crack at the threaded area after a few months if used as your main grinder. I could reinforce that area in advance easily but I only wanted it for occasional use so that would be unnecessary.

I have not seen a video of this grinders actual espresso grind results but it is supposed to do it well. I have one on my wish list and will definitely give my results comparing it to a Baratza Sette 270 should I buy it.

On the other hand, I intend to power mine with a cordless drill with keyless chuck. I have done that with a Zassenhaus mill and it did well. So, I am still looking at the $57.50 Hario Skerton Pro which will definitely grind for espresso. I do not look forward to grinding eighteen grams for espresso with that piddly crank but the powered hack may make the Hario a viable candidate for a non-electric (AC), backup.

Brazil Crushgrind Grinder


"Espresso is a miracle of chemistry in a cup."
Andrea Illy
I recommend you one of the MadeByKnock grinders instead, ceramic burrs are a joke.
Including Hario grinders, whatever they pretend in their ads.


renatoa wrote:

I recommend you one of the MadeByKnock grinders instead, ceramic burrs are a joke.
Including Hario grinders, whatever they pretend in their ads.

Thank you. Yea steel burrs have sure proven their ability over the years. Improvements in the various coatings is interesting to see evolve too.That is a sturdy looking grinder and the support is looking good too. I have been reading about it on another forum as it proceeded through the kickstarter process. Also, noticed the evolution to the new models which are amazing in their engineering. It amazes me how fast that happens these days with all the feedback from users and the manufacturers quick response.
Edited by Ozo on 08/23/2018 3:48 PM

"Espresso is a miracle of chemistry in a cup."
Andrea Illy
Also, you can consider a diy moding project, as I did.
A Porlex chinese clone, cost $10, that fit very nice a set of Casadio 47 conical burs, cost $40. Some bearings and lathe work, and you are done.
renatoa attached the following images:
porche47_4.jpg porche47_3.jpg


renatoa wrote:

Also, you can consider a diy moding project, as I did.
A Porlex chinese clone, cost $10, that fit very nice a set of Casadio 47 conical burs, cost $40. Some bearings and lathe work, and you are done.

I like the idea but am having little luck locating the burrs. The knock off grinder is just $7.50 on Amazon. Also, the lathe work is out as I have no lathe.

I have had many recommendations like Kinu M47($?), Lido 3 ($189), Comandante C40 ($250), Zassenhaus Panama ($100), Lido 3 being the most often recommended.

"Espresso is a miracle of chemistry in a cup."
Andrea Illy
Forget Panama, owned and is a junk of grinder. I can detail, if needed.

Kinu is the best, but is in the $250-300 realm, and unobtainium, even locally, where is manufactured.
Lido is too big for travel.

I am a big fan of the manual grinders, and evaluated almost everything worth attention. I was one of the testers of the very first four alpha units of the former code named grinder Che, now known as Kinu Grin
The facility who is manufacturing now Kinu made before the Commandante MkII, and several other Zass models, so now you have a better idea where they gather the knowledge ;)
From all the models floating on the market atm, I find the Feldgrind the most balanced as price/performance, is my daily workhorse at home, and a Kinu at the office.
That's why recommended a MadeByKnock, Feldgrind or Aergrind, whateber you find in stock.

These are the burrs used for my Porlex mod, but price is awful that part of the pond... we are closer to Italy Grin
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