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Air Crazy reflections...
Recently, after 2 years weekly service, our West Bend Air Crazy quit. N/P - $3.00 later and a trip to the non-profit thrift store and we're back in business.

The new unit runs about the same temp, but the fan is way stronger. This is great news, as the old one ran too hot even with the "router control" and supplimental fan below.

I thought these identicle units (1040w) would be identical for fan and temp output - no.

At 1440 watts, I thought my recently acquired Presto Popcorn Now Plus would run hotter - no. Both units on high setting:
Presto @ 340 ~ Air Crazy @ 440 degrees

Conclusion: The current West Bend Air Crazy is performing like a dream (with supplemantal fan and router control) First crack 14 to 16 min, drop at 20 min (Mexican Tarruno). Nice consistant city +.

Tonight's roasting: two 50 gram sets of Ethiopian Kochere!
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