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Is my math right?
So my inner drum is 8.5? across and 6.5? deep. I?d roast volume in oz =cu.in/10, am I only getting 11.74oz in this thing?
Mill City 1kg roaster drum is 8.75 x 7.5 in. Also in the specs they show the batch size .2 - 1.5 kg

Volume will be dependent too on how your vanes and drum internals are constructed. More stuff inside, less beans.

8.5 dia. X 6.5 length = bean volume should be around 36.88 oz. Which I believe is ~1 kg
Edited by BobbyS on 12/16/2018 2:08 PM
Translated to metric system...
21.6 cm dia * 16.5 cm len = 6 liters, that equates to 1 kg according to some sources, and my experience too.
Close to 20 cm dia * 20 cm len (8x8"), the drum size of some commercial 1 kg roasters.

So your 326 grams math is heavily under-evaluated ...
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