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Need help rewiring new popper
I studied your photos but I could not see how or what the TC sleeves were grounded to.

I tried grounding the metal of the popper to earth via the mains power with no success.

I do not have any switching regulator in my setup. 110v heater, 110v fan and the arduino is powered via my macbook air which is running on battery power during operation.
My TC sleeves are tied to the metal parts of the popper, hence they are grounded.

I suggest you anyway to keep the metal of your popper grounded to earth for your safety.

I played around a bit before finding a solution that worked for me. Start by trying to undertand what's the source of your bad readings, so that you know what needs to be fixed.
Or use unshielded probes.
If not a noisy medium, like brushed motors in the proximity, then unshielded works fine. I am using unshielded probe in my roaster with under 0.1 C reading stability.
I will ground the metalic body of the popper again and see what happens.

I started out with a shielded probe but figured that was the source of my issue so cut the probe off and tried with exposed thermocouple ends. I have a feeling that the AC fan is the source of the issue, but rectifying the problem has been puzzling.


marcov wrote:

Adding some pictures with a semi-finished build.

I need to find some longer TC probes to have less wires around.

Hi! Total Noob question. How did you connect the pots? and how do they work?
Are they similar to sliders on Artisan-scope?

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