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thermometer placement (hot air popper)
Here goes. I see a couple of ways to mount a thermometer in a hot air popper roaster. I don't use the cover on mine so the other alternative that I see is to drill into the side of the popper and put it through there. With going through the metal side of the chamber, will you register the bean temp or the side metal of the chamber?

With a thermocouple, the temperature will be read at the junction of the dissimilar metals (the tip of the thermocouple generally).

With a hot air popper that has the openings creating a swirling effect,you want to place the tip of the thermocouple towards the center of the popper and in the bean mass to try and avoid as much of the air movement if your goal is bean temperature.
Thanks. So, if I do go through the side, as long as I go into the center with the tip I should be OK?
JitterzZ attached the following images:
therminplace_1.png thermneedle.png

Edited by JitterzZ on 04/18/2019 11:15 AM
Not good, if the tip is in the bottom, will be in direct blow of the hot air slots.
Especially after dry ends, the whole bed of beans start floating, if airflow is not reduced, and in the bottom is nothing else than hot air, even 1 cm height.
A better location is 1-2 cm under the surface of still beans.
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