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Artisan to Arduino set up help
So I am new to the Arduino and Artisan software. My plan was run Arduino with two thermocouples and two displays. I have the thermocouples working with displays. Now how do I get the Artisan software to work also? I am only concerned about et/bt temps. I assumed probably wrong that I wouldn?t need tc4. Please educate me.
Welcome BBQ grill

What two displays, how are they different and how are connected ?
Do you mean two displays with same content, or different content ?

Artisan software needs to be fed with roasting data, i.e. at least two temperatures, cming from a known device, or a custom device that talks one of the known public protocols, as is TC4, and others.
The simplest/cheapest solution to be in Artisan game with no Arduino, no soldering, no programming, is to buy a Mastech MS6514 dual USB thermometer logger, under $60 from aliexpress, including 2 TC probes.

You don't need TC4 shield hardware to run TC4 software. Depending on your Arduino IDE programming skills, you can adapt parts of TC4 software to run on other configurations, maybe simpler for you than writing your sketch from scratch.
My goal was to have the displays for the few times I might roast without pc connected. They are working fine. What?s the simple way the roasting software connected.
Arduino UNO
Displays TM1637
Thermocouple cards MAX6675
Simple, but too approximative.
MAX6675 or 31855, or any solution with more than 0.1 C degrees resolution is just too rough to compute a satisfactory RoR.
What about control ?
It is for a 1kg drum. It uses propane for heat. I have it set with needle valve and kpa gauge on gas to control heat input. Controlled manually.
You are ok then with low precision of temp measurement, the machine thermal inertia is too big to need a decimal point degree control.
A 10-15 seconds smooth window in Artisan and the averaging will do its magic.
Any help getting Artisan to work with my set up would be greatly appreciated.
Not sure what part of your arrangement isn't working, but if it's getting Artisan to communicate with the Arduino you might look at https://www.home-...ml#p650804
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