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1325 CFM Bean Cooler
Our addition to CanardCoffee is the new 1325CFM Bean cooler. We picked up from the local 2nd hand store a cabinet for about $20 CAD and the Furnace Fan was a donation from the side of the road LOL. We had to go to the local Chef store and picked up the Stainless Bin that we also added a few extra holes to. Clean and Powerful like a JET

Link to the pictures on google https://photos.ap...qsT6wja8C7
NewBean attached the following images:
wayne1_2.jpg wayne2_3.jpg wayne3_3.jpg wayne4_3.jpg wayne5_3.jpg

Edited by JackH on 08/18/2019 6:56 AM
Nice! I've also made use of some 'beside the road' parts in my roaster builds!
OK, considering im unable to load more than 2 pictures into this thread here is a Google folder link https://photos.ap...qsT6wja8C7
Testing.... Seems to be OK. Try not using the preview post or preview changes. It does not work correctly for photos.
Edited by JackH on 07/24/2019 1:52 AM

KKTO Roaster.
I think I loose my https handshake due to my poor internet


NewBean wrote:

I think I loose my https handshake due to my poor internet

Send me a PM if I can post any photos for you. The link to your photos also works well.

KKTO Roaster.
Ok last chance to post the Pictures of our Bean cooler, Sorry all for the repeat posts about this
Edited by JackH on 07/24/2019 1:51 AM
NewBean It is good that you reported this. I can go back and fix the posts once we figure this out.

These are the only images of your 6 that will post. Tried each individually too and renamed them all. Must be something about the file structure. Could the others be protected in some way?

EDIT: I was able to get two others to post by converting to .png ---Strange.
JackH attached the following images:
cooler1_4.jpg cooler3_5.jpg cooler2.png cooler6.png

Edited by JackH on 07/24/2019 4:02 PM

KKTO Roaster.
They were shot off of the Google Pixel phone all at the same time downloaded and uploaded the exact same way
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