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500+ lbs of Peruvian green coffee acquired, and looking for a roaster upgrade trade.
Hi all,

First time posting here, and glad to find a roasting community online.

So, I recently came into quite a lot of green coffee. 500+ pounds of Peruvian, commercial coffee that?s vacuum-sealed into about 55 lb(25 kg) blocks.

I?m not a professional roaster, and I?m currently roasting on popcorn poppers. That's why I?m looking to make an upgrade to bigger and better fluid bed or drum roasting options.

I?m wondering if anyone in the Southern California area (L.A. to San Diego) has recently upgraded roasters themselves, and would be willing to trade some coffee for their old roaster? If so, please DM me.

The coffee has just crested one year old, and the vacuum sealing has done well to keep it fresh. I tried a few roasts on this myself, and it?s best at City+ for espresso, and was pretty enjoyable when blending with Rwanda Dry Process Nyamasheke Kanyege from Sweet Maria?s.

Thanks for reading.
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