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Hottop (Light) Roast Profile, Baked Coffee
Hey all. I'm struggling to get good flavor from the coffee that I'm roasting on my Hottop. I'm certain that it is not the bean, as I drank it in a cafe and it was killer. Specifically, each of my roasts have tasted bready, flat, and flavorless (baked). I'm confused by this though, because my roast times are significantly shorter than average HT roast times.

My flaw may be that I am fighting to get the same roast times that I used to have on a Joper dual-drum sample roaster, roughly 9:30 - 10:30 total roast time. Here are the variables that I tend to keep constant in each roast:

Charge Weight: 175g
Charge Temp: 380 - 400
Development: 1:30 - 2:00

The more important, nitty-gritty can be seen in the images attached to this post. They are the notes that I've taken during my roasts. The best tasting note that I've gotten out of any of these coffees has been a toasted nut and slight char. I'm curious if you all have any advice for me!
Vbrock9089 attached the following images:
r1.png r.png
Did you ever solve this ?


Vbrock9089 wrote:

...My flaw may be that I am fighting to get the same roast times that I used to have on a Joper dual-drum sample roaster, ...

Indeed this was the great flaw, check my notes about HT heat management just posted minutes ago in the other thread.
HT seems a machine with a unique operating style.
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