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Hi all,

I am completely new to coffee roasting and am a little overwhelmed at the moment. I?ve borrowed a friend?s Behmor 1600 Plus and tried to follow the instructions in the manual and had an unsuccessful first batch. I don?t think I ever heard first crack, so I figured I missed it and because I didn?t want to burn the coffee I started the cooling process way to early. Basically I am clueless. I?ve read the manual over many times and also consulted a few articles on the net but I still find all the information about times and profiles confusing. Can someone give me simplified instructions if I want to roast a quarter pound of Guatemalan coffee using the 1600 Plus? I know I?m supposed to try four batches to get a feel for doing this, but I?d like some guidance before I do the next one.

Update since I wrote this: I spoke to my friend and got what I thought were simple instructions. She told me I couldn?t miss first crack, that it would be very loud, and to set the roaster for P2-C. I did that, and the next thing I knew ten minutes had gone by, and there was a 30-second countdown happening. At the end of the countdown I got an error message, err-7. Because I went to the Behmor website I now know that it?s the unattended safety shutoff feature licking in, and that I should have hit ?start? sometime during the countdown. As it was, I hit ?cool? and let the machine run it?s cycle.

I just tried again, hit ?start? a few seconds into that countdown. The machine reset itself with a time of around 8 minutes and went through to the cooling cycle, and it just now stopped, I still haven?t heard anything resembling a loud crack, so I have my doubts that I?ve made some good coffee! I?m continuing to let it cool before I take it out and look at it.

Any words of wisdom will be appreciated...

Thanks in advance!

Hi Andyr and welcome to HRO! Running a Behmor using profiles is very confusing and prone to frustration as there is no way to know what it's thinking at any given moment. After many years of using mine, I've found that best roasts are obtained (in most cases) by using 1lb setting and profile with max heat and let er rip. Time the final "development" phase by how many minutes/seconds past beginning of first crack (after first few random cracks). For light roast can be anywhere from 1 minute to 1 1/2 minutes and longer for desired med or darker.

Try that and let us know how it turns out.
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana


Time the final "development" phase by how many minutes/seconds past beginning of first crack (after first few random cracks). For light roast can be anywhere from 1 minute to 1 1/2 minutes and longer for desired med or darker.

This only applies when the roaster is cycling heat on and off at a rate to allow full heating capacity. If a lower power setting is chosen or lower lb size setting, the heat may cycle on less than full capacity and if this is the case, may require longer development time than my typical roast.
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
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