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Roasting for cold brew/iced
Not sure if this is the place to post it but I?ve been researching to see if there is a better type of roast for cold brew/iced coffee. Everything online talks about how to make it then promotes a gadget to make it with. Or it?s a Reddit post that says ?cold brew good?. I?m more interested in hearing about specific roast levels and why you choose what you do. Do you have a specific coffee you roast just for this etc?


Hi Kelly - I'm new to the cold-brew scene and the roasting scene. I've been homebrewing beer for over a decade and i'm hoping some of those skills will transfer.

I've set up a three gallon keg carb'd with nitrogen for the two batches of cold brew I've done so far. Both times i've used roasts from Blanchards in richmond, VA (blanchard's blend and Basecamp - https://blanchardscoffee.com/collections/blends). No particular reason - it was just available. My aim is to use roasts on the lighter end that offer a more mellow / sweeter profile. The nitrogen adds some sweetness or maybe amplifies the character of simple carbs that are present. I want to be able to pour right off the tap have a sooth sweet cup.

I started with a 5 micron filter that i forced the coffee through after 14ish hours of steeping. That was too fine, I moved to a 20 micron filter and that gave me better results - I found that having some particulate in there was desirable; both for appearance and mouthfeel.

I've just started roasting and have about 1100grams of a light roast on a Rwandan bean I got from Sweet Maria's. that I will be using for my third 3-gallon batch.

This is just me trying to further this empty thread - I'm interested i hearing other's methods, resources, and opinions.
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