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air roasting and cupping experiment
So to kick it off, I'm using an SR500 air roaster equipped with a BT probe connected to Artisan and the beans are an Organic Mexican Chiapas that I have been getting inconsistent results with.

My experiment is to find the perfect (subjective to me of course) roast level for these beans and then try to reproduce that taste over several different batches. I will list my steps below but feel free to chime in and let me know if I missed something or if I screwed something up.

I weighed out 120g of greens into 4 containers
I roasted each batch to a different development % according to artisan.
all events in the roast happened at roughly the same time frame except the drop times. (ex. I switched from low
to Medium heat at 5 min on each roast. I bumped to high heat 10 sec after FCs )
dry time, FC start and FCe were consistent across all 4 roasts. (actually within 5-15 seconds of each other.)
batch 1 dropped at 20% development and the beans were tailing off of FC. the 2nd was dropped at 23.1% and FC had ended 30 seconds before. the 3rd was dropped at 26% and SC had not began but I noticed the smell I
get right before it starts usually. The last batch dropped at 30% development and SC had just started 10 seconds before.

I have cooled and separated all the beans into their containers as well as noted the after roast weight. Batch 1-3 had all stepped down in weight by a few grams as the roast went a little longer and darker but batch 4 was actually a few 10th's of a gram heavier than #3. odd but ok.

My plan is to rest them until tomorrow and then cup. make my notes and see which profile I like more.

Does anyone see anything I've missed or have done wrong with this approach? anything I should consider doing different? I am always open to suggestions.

Depending on the roster build, this test could be done in single roast, picking samples every, say 30 seconds, during development.
Hard to do for your machine, or other FB, me thinks...

But roast level is much more than development time.
A profesional, during profiling, play also with dry and Maillard times.
You can do this as well, varying the low/med levels and times, but need to know all the science during profiling, how each stage influence the final bean structure.
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