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KKTO Build
I've waited long enough. I've been gathering parts for a couple of weeks. I'm close but I've returned a few pot sets not knowing what I've really needed. So lets go. I'm thinking the remaining pieces will arrive in the next few day's so this thread doesn't get drug out.

First thing I ordered was a 6061 shaft, standoff, some bearings & couplings
mkane attached the following images:
dsc_0259.jpg dsc_0249.jpg

Always learning
Bought a motor from Paul. It very compact. Nice piece thanks. A trip to the hardware store to buy swivel wheels, wood and a bracket of some sort for a motor mount.

I glued up 4 - 1/2" pieces of hobby ply to get the thickness I needed so the coupler would be out of the way.
mkane attached the following images:
dsc_0268_5.jpg dsc_0253.jpg dsc_0252.jpg dsc_0269.jpg

Always learning
The first pot set that I bought I send back thinking it was to small. I reality I was probably the unit I needed but it was stainless, 9" across and seemed cheap. I wanted aluminum. This was already drilled full of holes and they seemed large, bigger than a green coffee bean, so, I ordered another pot set, bigger this time, and it's a double boiler ( no holes ) 11 something inches across, seems all is well, not. The handles still hit, the volume is wrong for my wimpy Supentown, so I ordered another pot set. Hoping 3rd times a charm.
mkane attached the following image:

Always learning
Now that I've found out the Supentown's not 1400 w I bought another TO, the bad boy of ovens, almost 1500 w. Pics when it arrives. The Supentown will probable be put together using 6 qt pot's or thereabouts. I suppose that's trial and error.
Edited by mkane on 03/10/2020 9:12 PM
Always learning
Koffee Kosmo
Looks like a great start to the build

Just making an observation on the drive shaft and I need to make this note
The perforated pot and the drive shaft is one integrated unit
The shaft goes through the false floor and the base of the lower lower pot then any base you have selected to then connect to the drive motor


Perforated insert


Lower pot

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
What keeps the shaft/agitator from pushing up and out while trying to install it?

I'll edit my own post. Now I get what that collar is about. That goes below the insert and the agitator assembly keep it all in place.
Edited by mkane on 03/10/2020 9:07 PM
Always learning
The Galloping Gourmet TO showed up. POS. It has to go back. Lights come on is about all. No fan and lukewarm. I plugged in the Supentown and wow. I threw some beans in a Whirleypop vessel and had 1C in no time.
Always learning
Koffee Kosmo


mkane wrote:

What keeps the shaft/agitator from pushing up and out while trying to install it?

I'll edit my own post. Now I get what that collar is about. That goes below the insert and the agitator assembly keep it all in place.

Correct for your edit note ThumbsUp
Copper washer on top of collar
And one under the agitator

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.


mkane wrote:

The Galloping Gourmet TO showed up. POS. It has to go back. Lights come on is about all. No fan and lukewarm. I plugged in the Supentown and wow. I threw some beans in a Whirleypop vessel and had 1C in no time.

Bad that they sent you a defective one. No longer made so they are all used. I have one as a backup and have had no trouble so far.

KKTO Roaster.
I'm going to give the Galloping Gourmet another try today. The seller said it worked for him.
Always learning
Once again, another question if I may. What's the preferred material for the pot's. Stainless is more expensive than aluminum.
Always learning
Possible to be on the metals market, but not reflected in the pot prices, that are close.
However, Aluminium heat at 250C is anything but not a food safe material. Not for my beans.
Never thought of that. Guess I'll send the next pot set back also.
Always learning
Thermostat bypass on the Supentown.
mkane attached the following image:

Always learning
^^^^^that was a success. Pot marched right up to 500? and still climbing. No cycling. Wonder how much abuse it can take?
Always learning
Looking @ the Supentown site I can see I made a mistake ordering the SO- 2007. Should have ordered the SO-2000. The difference is in the glass lid. Mine made for a Wok. So, guess what? That part is not offered as a replacement part so I'll order the other unit and have a spare. Shock
Always learning
Wondering why this insistence to bypass the thermostat of the lid, when it is actually the best safety measure...
I didn't removed connections to thermostat for any of my 5-6 designs I built over time.
How do you intend to control heat then ?


mkane wrote:

^^^^^that was a success. Pot marched right up to 500? and still climbing. No cycling. Wonder how much abuse it can take?

I would not let it go too far or you will blow the fire safety fuse that is usually built in to these turbo ovens. I wired my turbo separating the heater from the rest of the oven and used a variable transformer (variac) to control it.

KKTO Roaster.
I don't plan to buy a variac so I'll re connect the thermostat. Insurance company might frown on me 'burning down the house', burning down the house
Always learning
You don't need to build a variac, but still, how you plan to control the roast ?
By reconnecting the thermostat ( which is already done) and using a TC. Heck I can't even control the roast on my 1lb. drum roaster.
Always learning
TC ?
TC4 board ?
ThermoCouple, to measure temperature ?
TC to measure temp using a simple Fluke meter. Don't know if it will be BT or ET.
Always learning
So no electronics/computer, nothing bad about this, I was there and not disappointed, the results are same class as an Artisan roast.
What would be my steps in this scenario:
- adjust thermostat shifting the temperature scale, to be able to cycle at 250C, if not already there...
- mount the diode that ensure the continuous smooth temperature increase without huge swing due to on-off switching,
- mount a $12 power variator, for perfect profiling experience without compromise.
What type of diode? 1/2 w. 1 w 5 w? I have plenty on hand. I'll look at the variator. Pairing the TO with Artisan is a possibly. We now use Artisan with a drum roaster.
Edited by mkane on 03/13/2020 9:43 AM
Always learning
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