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Setting up TC4 / Arduino / aArtisan
Hello! I just wrapped up my first roaster build (modified popcorn popper). DC Motor and AC heating element, basically following the instructables article out there. Tested it with manual controls (on/off switch; wall dimmer switch for heater). All works fine, but I now want to connect to software. I have the TC4+ shield all set up and mounted to the arduino board, SSR ready to go (for heater control) and everything wired up.

But my arduino programming skills are level 1 out of 10. How do i get from hardware all wired properly to controlling with aArtisan / home roaster etc? Most instructions i can find just say pull files from github (https://github.com/greencardigan/TC4-shield/tree/master/applications/Artisan/aArtisan_PID/trunk/src/aArtisanQ_PID) and you're all set. But those instructions are written by software experts - which i am not - and there is something i'm clearly doing wrong! Does anyone have a little more step by step guidance here?

Thanks in advance!!
Where are you getting stuck? Or do you not even know where to start? Briefly:
1. Install the Arduino app.
2. Download the files.
3. Put all the libraries (among the files you just downloaded) into your Arduino library folder (location depends on your operating system - google for details).
4. Open the .ino file amongst the files you downloaded - the aArtisan / aArtisanQ_PID sketch will open in the Arduino app.
5. In the Arduino app, adjust any settings in user.h as needed.
6. In the Arduino app, select the correct Arduino type, serial port, and click upload.
Thank you for the help! I downloaded all files from link above and put into ?libraries? folder within arduino. When I open the ?.ino? file, it just looks like jibberish. I?m no expert in Arduino but I know enough to see something looks off. Pic below, as well as picture of ?user.h? screen. Any ideas? Thank you.
I neglected to attach the pictures from previous post. Can't seem to figure out how to attach pictures....not coming through each time I do it. smile will have to try again later
Edited by houstonroaster on 07/10/2020 8:23 AM
Hm, hard to say without a picture, but if it's truly jibberish it could be a file encoding issue. I've never encountered that in Arduino, but I notice that under Tools there's a "Fix encoding & reload" option - maybe worth a try. Also how are you downloading the files? Probably best to download the whole repository (go to https://github.com/greencardigan/TC4-shield then click the green Download / "Code" button and select "Download ZIP") rather than try to download just the files in that folder individually.
RE: Posting Photos:

Use the Browse Button at the bottom. Select your file and it will show the filename below with a c:\fakepath location.
Keep your filename simple with no spaces or special characters.
You can click browse again for a second photo to add.
The system says you can add up to 8 photos, but that does not always work correctly.

It is important that you do not click "Preview reply" or "Preview post", it will clear the photos you selected.

JackH attached the following image:


KKTO Roaster.
Pictures attached for above posts! Thanks
I am sorry everyone...can't seem to get photos to load. Seem to be doing everything right....shows uploading...no error messages but no pictures come through.
Are they .jpg?

KKTO Roaster.


mg512 wrote:

Hm, hard to say without a picture, but if it's truly jibberish it could be a file encoding issue. I've never encountered that in Arduino, but I notice that under Tools there's a "Fix encoding & reload" option - maybe worth a try. Also how are you downloading the files? Probably best to download the whole repository (go to https://github.com/greencardigan/TC4-shield then click the green Download / "Code" button and select "Download ZIP") rather than try to download just the files in that folder individually.

Thank you MG512! The Download ZIP option worked. Really appreciate the tip. No onto figuring out aArtisan.


houstonroaster wrote:
Thank you MG512! The Download ZIP option worked. Really appreciate the tip. No onto figuring out aArtisan.

Great, happy to hear!
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