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chaff unit not collecting
Hi all, I have a Santoker 3 kg and it will not send chaff to my chaff collector. I have played around with the air flow,reduced air flow to low and to med and hi , and my chaf goes out the vent pipe . I even put a screen with medium size holes in the chaff vent b4 it goes out the vent to stop it but it only clog it up real fast but I do see all off the chaff going straight out of my exterior vent .Is this a bad idea for my Sedona Elite 3200 ( Santoker 3kg) .The chaff collector is completely useless . I'm thinking the chaff motor is too strong and I have tried to reduce the suction ...but no help .Sure would love your ideas to help me or should I not worry about it ?


Edited by JackH on 08/11/2020 2:38 PM
Sedona Elite 3200 , Santoker 3kg ,Gene Cafe, Gaggia Twin Espresso , Baratza Vario Grinder , Canyon 110 commercial grinder , Brazen Plus . Gary the Barista
Have you checked the bottom opening of the cyclone cone? Maybe it's plugged... Hidden above your chaff removal door...


CK wrote:

Have you checked the bottom opening of the cyclone cone? Maybe it's plugged... Hidden above your chaff removal door...

yes I have ...everything cleaned out . maybe I need to change the chaff door gasket as it is gone. I did not realize that little bit of leakage would be a problem ...but I am hearing it is bad to have a small amount of air loss
Sedona Elite 3200 , Santoker 3kg ,Gene Cafe, Gaggia Twin Espresso , Baratza Vario Grinder , Canyon 110 commercial grinder , Brazen Plus . Gary the Barista
Ok just a good news update !!! I finally after a year with my roaster not collecting chaff in the chaff collector is now working perfectly ... thanks to NorthSouth has just replied to a thread I posted about the chaff problem .Who would of thought that all I had to do was replace my gasket seal on my chaff door and now it works perfectly !!! So excited thanks to all of you who responded ...wonderful help indeed
Very Happy camper
Sedona Elite 3200 , Santoker 3kg ,Gene Cafe, Gaggia Twin Espresso , Baratza Vario Grinder , Canyon 110 commercial grinder , Brazen Plus . Gary the Barista
I am glad it worked out for you. This is good information that may help others with a similar problem.

KKTO Roaster.
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