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Looking to upgrade Gene Cafe
After over a thousand roasts on my Gene Cafe roaster I'd like to upgrade.
I'd like a machine that can roast larger batches and hopefully roast better than my GC.
I only roast for espresso.
The GC is strictly manual so I just set it for 485f and wait for second c. Then I dump the beans and throw them into an air cooler.
I usually roast eight batches at a time, four different coffees gives us enough for a month for me and my wife.
I drink espressos, she drinks lattes or caps.
So, on to roasters.
The Behmor seems good except it's not supposed to be good for darker roasts.
The Aillio Bullet seems perfect except for the price.
The Hottops are what I'm leaning towards now. The big drawback seems to be the batch size. Also, do I need the basic model or the B-2k? An extra $500 is nothing to sneeze at but if it's worth it I'll do it.
I just found two more roasters I've never heard of before, the Sniper M2 and the Kaldi Wide. Ever use them?

Thanks in advance,
Rancilio Silvia w/Rocky
Gene Cafe roaster
Welcome ! Welcome BBQ grill

Add Cormorant from UK to the pool.

Not used Kaldi Wide, but the Kaldi line is known for long time as producing good results, so there is no reason this new model to disappoint.

But was been worried about other assert in your post... "just set it for 485f and wait ..." this approach indeed could be a source for disappointment, whatever machine you are using... coffee roasting is not an unattended process !
You was been lucky, because Gene is quite forgiving machine, but the drum machines listed above will not give you good results using such approach.

PS: wow... based on your roasting timing figure you have the Gene for TEN years... wow ! Grin

PS PS: you are switching from hot air roasting to drum roaster, a completely new experience and workflow... be aware you have a good understanding of the differences before proceeding.
Imo, the drums are the most to avoid for home roasting.

Good luck !
Hi, thanks.
The kormorant and the Kaldi Wide would be great but they're a little pricey for me.
I've been looking at the Huky, that might be the way I go. I know not that much different in price but I need to be cheaper than the Hottop $1600.
So, about my roasting on the Gene, that's what I've come up with over the years. My roasts are running 18-20 minutes to get to 2C. It used to be about 15 minutes but gradually it's gotten longer.
I run back to back batches, always 8oz. After the first batch the start of roast is between 220-230f.
When I first started I tried to ramp up the heat slowly but the Gene does that anyway. And it never seemed to make much difference in the cup.
I'm not sure what I could do now that would improve the roast. I don't want to make the roasts run any longer.
I could bring it up on the Gene Cafe group and see if anyone has some ideas.

Yes, I've had the Gene for a long time. I've had to replace parts but it's been a workhorse.

Yes, going to a Huky or a Kaldi is going to be completely different.
I've cleaned up space in my garage. I don't have a lot of amps available out there but if I use a propane burner for my heat it might work. I resurrected an old PC, replaced Windows 7 with Ubuntu and downloaded artisan.

I never walk away from the roast just usually playing a game; so since I'm there anyway I might as well play with Artisan.

Thanks again
Rancilio Silvia w/Rocky
Gene Cafe roaster
Huky was +$2000, even 2500, depending on configuration, when it was new, no idea how you can get it cheaper than HT... Shock
Kaldi wide is in $1000 ballpark though... even $800 for some configurations, sounds as the best 300 grams choice.
BTW, the thermometer/data logging solution offered by Kaldi don't worth the $280 they ask... for less than half of this money you can adapt the TC4 industry standard.... or Mastech MS6514 for less than $100.
Well, I got pricing for a Huky 500, $2400. Somehow I stumbled onto pages that made it sound like a Huky would cost about $1000 less than that.
Maybe Kaldi Fortis?
Rancilio Silvia w/Rocky
Gene Cafe roaster


renatoa wrote:

Huky was +$2000, even 2500, depending on configuration, when it was new, no idea how you can get it cheaper than HT... Shock
Kaldi wide is in $1000 ballpark though... even $800 for some configurations, sounds as the best 300 grams choice.
BTW, the thermometer/data logging solution offered by Kaldi don't worth the $280 they ask... for less than half of this money you can adapt the TC4 industry standard.... or Mastech MS6514 for less than $100.

Yes, I replied before I saw this. You're right.
The Kaldi wide is too small. I'm looking at the Fortis info now.
Rancilio Silvia w/Rocky
Gene Cafe roaster
So, I just wanted to update this thread. I've gotten info from Kuanho Li, maker of the Huky. The price of his model 500T is $1,200. I'm probably going to add $200 to that for a second fan/bean cooler and MET probe. Another $200 for shipping and I'm well under the Kaldi Fortis price.

I think that's the way I'm going to go. Not sure when I'll be able to actually purchase.

I'm wondering if there's any Huky roasters that can talk about the solid drum vs the perforated.

Rancilio Silvia w/Rocky
Gene Cafe roaster
I bought Behmor, at first I was worried that chinese quality will make itself felt (and at this price!), but we have been using it for half a year, I`m satisfied with the taste. The taste of this roasted coffee reminds me of the coffee I ordered at the German bar füssen, where we went this summer. European coffee, for me personally, tastes much better than the coffee we get in America. So we bought as many packs as we could bring with us! I think a lot depends on the quality of coffee beans, it makes no sense to buy expensive roasters if the coffee itself is cheap. I did such an experiment and it was a failure. In terms of recipe I prefer scandinavian coffee, Behmor was perfect for this.
Edited by edwardbarnett on 12/28/2022 8:07 AM
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