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Smoke from ducting
I have a problem I have not seen mentioned anywhere else. I have recently bought some flexible aluminium ducting with a view to taking the fumes outside my workshop where I roast. I am using an oil lamp chimney on a popper and I connected a short length, about 3 feet, of ducting to the chimney to try it out. When the heat really starts to build up, the ducting itself starts to smoke, inside and out. This is doing a dummy roast without beans and also a normal roast. In no time the workshop is filled with white smoke, which defeats the purpose of using it to remove fumes. Any thoughts?
It sounds like there must be some sort of protective coating on the ducting if it is actually alum. This is only a metal duct correct? There are two types of flex duct, one is essentially only aluminum and is high heat rated and the other is laminated (almost looks like shiny aluminum "film" and is less rigid) alum film with a plastic and is only good for around 140C but the plastic laminate is polyester which should smoke black.

My though would be take it outside and hit it with a torch or heat gun to let it offgas whatever coating is on it. Just watch the lungs - breathing fumes can really hurt you depending what the actual coating is that's releasing the smoke
Edited by jkoll42 on 10/08/2020 7:11 AM
Honey badger 1k, Bunn LPG-2E, Technivorm, Cimbali Max Hybrid, Vibiemme Double Domo V3
It is definitely aluminium. I had the same thought as you, take it outside and scorch it a bit, so I will try that, thanks.
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