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Ok all you wonderful builders. I have been running my Frankenstein drum for 7-8 months now and all is good except it was using propane like crazy. I know it is because I am heating a hundred or so pounds of steel and it just wasn't efficient. I could still achieve roasts of 10-12 min and hit my preplanned marks etc and have been turning out some real nice coffee.

Here is the issue.
It's been getting cold and I struggle to keep the temps up with ambient temps below 60. I ordered a roll of Kaowool 1" and installed on 5 sides. all fits nice and good to go. Lit it up today and watched my BT and ET jump to over 500d in a matter of 5 min. I shut it off and let it cool to about 300 and started again on a lower flame setting. in the end, I had the flames at a flicker and the burner kept relighting itself because the gas was so low it couldnt stay lit. My temps on this "Setting" still climbed above 430 in no time. I get it, the insulation is too good. shoudl I just remove 2 sides of insulation and see what happens or should I just thin it to 1/2"? I'm at a loss and this stuff wasnt cheap. lol. I thought about adding a cold air intake in the back of the chamber but I don't want to take any drastic measure without checking with my people here. anyway, I'm open to suggestions.
kwrcst, remind us what you are using for heat. Are you using the original bbq burners? And what for control. Sounds like you are way over powered and would be good to downsize your burner so it can be controlled far enough without instability. The alternative leaves you with increased difficulty of fighting the changes in outside temp if you pull the insulation.
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
It?s propane and they are the original burners. I isolated 1 burner and took it out of the loop. Using 2 now. I?m still not able to control as much as before so I may back off to just 1 and see if it works
Are you using the grill gas valves for control?
1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Yeah. I had them set to wide open but I use a needle valve to control flow
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