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1st Crack vs. 2nd Crack

I just started roasting recently and can definitely tell when the first crack starts. However, I am wondering if I am getting a bit confused on when the second crack starts. I have not been able to get to the second crack without burning the roast. How long does the first crack last? Am I thinking I'm still in the first crack but have actually moved into the second crack? Should I lower the temp a bit to not burn? Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Use temperature as a guide.
If FC happens at 200 C degrees, then starting with 216 C you should activate the third ear smile
If 225 C arrive and you hear nothing, I would drop and judge the roast as a reference for next attempt.
Adjust the values above according to your actual FC temperature, the exact values of events aren't critical, but the differences are.
Here is a visual chart with Fahrenheit temperatures.
Backwoods Roaster
"I wish I could taste as well as I wish I could roast."

As Abraham Lincoln said "Do not trust everything you read on the internet".
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