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Android App: Coffee Roaster Free
Hello home roasters community smile

I started roasting coffee beans for fun about 10 years ago using a popcorn popper. A bit later I switched to a Gene CBR 101 that I am still using from time to time.
At the beginning I used to take notes by hand but usually lost these notes shortly after smile. So I thought about taking notes in a digital way. Back then I couldn't find any roasting app in the Android store so I created one by myself. The first version was very rudimentary but the app evolved over time and I think if you are a beginner or advanced coffee roaster you might like this app.

This is a rough overview about the functionality of the Coffee Roaster Free App:
.) saving data of coffees, roasts, roasters,... (+ taking photos)
.) manually record roast progress
.) calculation of development time ratio and RoR (rate of rise) values / curve
.) exporting (and importing) roasts
.) uploading roast data to a web frontend for backup / synchronization between different devices
.) if you upload and share your roasts you can view other shared roasts via the webfrontend

@links: Have a look at my signature.
@screenshots: One screenshot shows the app during the roast process - the other shows the webfrontend.

Feedback is appreciated! (features that are missing, things that are not working as expected, errors / crashes,... )

Cheers, Alex
CoffeeRoasterProApp attached the following images:
screenshot_20201220-133327_small.jpg frontend_small.jpg

Edited by CoffeeRoasterProApp on 04/16/2021 4:03 AM
Due to an equipment complete redesign, that force me to roast completely manual for some weeks, found today accidentally this app, and ... wow ! Shock
Sincerely, is more than I hope and expect... fully recommending !
The only (major) feature that I dare to dream is optical recognition of the thermometer readings in real time, would make it a killer of everything else.
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