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Artisan backgrounds
I am suddenly having a problem with background profiles in Artisan. After I create a background with Designer, I then save it. When I then load it for the next roast, Artisan tells me it has successfully loaded the background, but the screen is blank. Roast profiles will load as normal.

Can anyone help with this as I am having to create a new background every time I use Artisan.
Can you check the Errors dialog in the Help menu ?
The errors log reads 0 errors. I think I might have found the problem. When I saved the background profile, I was adding the roast name as I do with the roast profiles,
Colombia Supremo_21-04-15_1639.design3.alog
It seems Artisan does not save this correctly, and removing the "name" does not fix it. It seems quite happy with this,
I have tried using various combinations of underscores and dots in the name, but no go. The backgrounds are saved in a folder with the roast name, so I can live with that.
On my system space characters in the file name seem to mess with Artisan being able to open the file. E.g. I can't open files with spaces in the name via the file manager (Artisan will open but state that it cannot find the specified filename "Example%20File%20Name.alog") but if I start Artisan then open the same file via file->open it works. Just FYI for anyone out there with a similar problem.
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