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N00b From the SF Bay Area
My name is Dan and I'm from the San Francisco Bay Area, USA. I have been roasting for about a month now, with a popcorn popper and green beans from Sweet Maria's. I initially got into the idea of roasting because I'd become really interested in all the amazing single origin coffees available, and the desire to expand my horizons with different roast levels without breaking the bank.

I had always been a dark roast fan, and still prefer dark roasts for espresso, but I have been surprised to discover how much I like City-City+ roasted beans, particularly from Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda. I have also been liking beans from Yemen and Indonesia, though I still prefer darker roasts of the latter. So far, there have not been too many beans available from Central America, but I look forward to sampling those as well. I went to Guatemala back in 2005, in theory to study Spanish, but really loved the coffee at the few places that didn't serve instant.

Anyway, I am excited to get to knows everyone and learn from those with more experience!
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