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TC4 Arduino could not set channels@line 5357
A while after ON button pressed, just before got values for ET and BT, I can saw briefly this error message:
Exception: ser.ARDUINOTC4temperature(): Arduino could not set channels@line 5357

TC4 didn't replied in right time, or serial driver communication issues, which are notorious for W10 and some usb adapters.
If ET/BT values resumed after this message, then probably was just a hiccup.

For further serial communication related errors, would be more useful to post an excerpt of the serial log dialog content, preferably as text, instead screen capture/image.

See attached for this dialog location and look.
renatoa attached the following images:
image_2022-01-24_103142.png image_2022-01-24_103124.png
This also happens sometimes when using Bluetooth, if you've set the Arduino to reset on a new BT connection. If that's the case and if you're not using BT to upload new sketches, you could just remove the BT_RST jumper on the TC4+ and it should go away.
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