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Air Popper Heater
No experience with that tape, sorry.
The European equivalent seems to be Tesa 4600:
Will give it a try the next build, is cheaper than Kapton.
Working on a different popper, the motor is Jmy mode 365
that's all I can read, what is the voltage of this motor?

Looks to be a rage of different motors out there, 6v to 36v.
I didn't want to pull the fan off in case I broke it but maybe I need to.
Measure working voltage of the motor, in the popper, as it comes from the factory.
If about 19V, as are those I encountered so far, then it is good for a DC power source rated 24V maximum.
Edited by renatoa on 08/01/2022 3:15 AM
Looks like my PSU is having issues.

Do you have a replacement DC motor you like to use?
Been looking at trying a 380 motor?
Thank you, we are probably on different continents, so shipping cost for such motor don't worth.

380 motors are VERY high RPM, probably more than 40K, compared to 20-25k the 365.
For this reason the 380 power consumption is bigger, even without load, because the friction in bushing/brushes is proportional with the square of RPM.
So be prepared with a PSU rated more than 4 Amps for 380, while 365 is happy with under 1 Amp, maybe two...
No problem on reply times as I understand people are all over the world.

Do you know of any plotting software for windows, just want to plot my roasts temp and time, only one bean probe.

I plotted in Excel, what do you think, am I just baking the beans?
Newer roaster is not as hot. I liked the bean moment on this one but don't know if it's any better.
4 plots trying to develop a little more flavor out of the Guji beans without scorching them.
HarryDog attached the following images:
g4_1.jpg g3_1.jpg g2_1.jpg g1_1.jpg
Me too using excel when I get a set of experimental data, or need to simulate something.
To judge baking is useful to plot the rate of rise of temperature too.
From the above graphs the only that exhibits a baking tentative is the second, where temperature at minute 9 and 10 are almost the same. The data set used to plot that graph would be useful to tell more.

Also, the roast time is too long for a FB machine, where things happens fast... you should aim for the FC in the min 6-7 ballpark, and drop a minute later. Or two, if you want really dark roast.
The last seems the best, as roast time. Drop at minute 12 is definitely too late for a FB, imo.
The popper is out of steam at 453F, will drop the fan speed, what kind of ROR should I shoot for at the end of the roast? 2-3 degrees?

This popper is not insulated and I roasted outside and the wind was affecting the data a bit, a few data points were affected.

Dropping the FC is not an issue, I can skip one minor change in the drying phase to get into the 6-7 min range.

What drop time should I shoot for? 10-11 min.
I roasted 4 times to see where I will like the flavors, will test next day.

Thanks for analysis, much appreciated.
For FB the RoR in the development phase is bigger than the other roasting devices, because everything is faster.
If for a commercial drum the RoR average during development is around 5 C degrees, for a FB could be even double.
For the nordic (scandinavian) roasting school for example, entering into FC with 10 C Ror is something usual.

Check attached an example that illustrate the above.
Don't take it as a reference, is one of the many experiments that will led you through the roasting journey.
renatoa attached the following image:
Thanks for the pic, I see about 10c change per min to end of roast. Might be difficult getting more temp out of this popper. The heating coil is small.

I tested 2 of the roasts this morning and first one is a longer roast then before, I stopped it when the beans started smelling like coffee. Then the next 3 roasts were 30sec longer then the one before it.
First roast on the old popper was bad.

Used Ethiopian Guji
Roast 1: this was thin, watery and had a finish of burnt toffee. This was better then my first try with this bean.
Did not think this was going to improve.

Roast 2: Aroma was better, far better body, more balanced cup only a slight bitter aftertaste. Improvement over the last roast and drinkable. The burnt Toffee aftertaste is gone.

Looking forward to trying the other two to see if I gain anything worth repeating. I could use this roast in a blend if all else fails.
Some thoughts I will post now maybe deserve a separate thread, and a longer debate, because they are very subjective, each people senses are unique.

The subject of the debate is: "smelling like (roasted) coffee"

In all my roasts I never experienced this smell during or immediately after roast, during cooling. Only after some hours minimum, or next day.
This observation apply also to roasts in pro locations, on bigger capacities than mine, like 5 kg.
And the fellow pro roaster confirmed what I am sensing is right: a smell rather like bread than coffee.
There is no (fresh) roasted coffee smell outside a small pro roastery facility, I can pass near my friend garage where he operate his drum roaster without any clue what happens inside, or salivating for a cup Grin

Imo, a coffee smell during or right after roast means burnt oils, and is not good unless this is what you want: a very dark oily roast.
No oil on my beans, thus no smell Grin

Are you smelling different your roasts ?
It goes from a grassy green smell to almost nothing then it starts to build, the beans have a fair amount of color on them so caramelization is happening maybe my sight influenced my sense of smell. No oils on the first two roasts but the last one did show a few spots.

Someone must have sampled this aroma and put a name to it?

This Guji bean has a particular scent to it I thought it was from fermentation? I can detect it on roasted Guji beans from a different company as well. I only have 3 different green beans and will compare them more closely tonight to see if I detect any difference.

I will also pay more attention next roast as I have heard people use grain to describe it as well, at one point it might have smelled a bit like Duram wheat? But I can safely say the smell changes, builds some and that's when I decided to make my first drop. I added 30sec to each roast after this and was surprised at the change between the first two.
Yeah, the last years brought on the market a lot of experimental processing, not always very detailed by the producer.
For example was told that a recent Burundi I roasted passed through a yeast infusion followed by a short anaerobic fermentation... but the result was far from a true anaerobic processed coffee.
Well my second 24v DC power supply arrived, I wanted to roast a little more with my laptop PSU but put it in to see how much I can roast with this fan.

It was 120g comfortably, this units heater is a little under powered and I roasted a little longer then I wanted playing with the air, 4min drying, 3min browning and 4.5 min on development.

The roast was the best so far using the Guji beans and just don't like them roasted very light. I think with this roaster around 11:15 is going to be my sweet spot.


HarryDog wrote:

Well my second 24v DC power supply arrived, I wanted to roast a little more with my laptop PSU but put it in to see how much I can roast with this fan.

It was 120g comfortably, this units heater is a little under powered and I roasted a little longer then I wanted playing with the air, 4min drying, 3min browning and 4.5 min on development.

The roast was the best so far using the Guji beans and just don't like them roasted very light. I think with this roaster around 11:15 is going to be my sweet spot.

Cool... keep us posted !
So many beans; so little time....
The 24vDC 15Amp power supply is doing well, quick test of it on the new fan using a RS775 motor worked well. That build is in the mod section my third roaster.

My second roaster using the bottom fins like the Ikawa has a smaller heater and does ok for longer roasts around 10:30 to 11:00 min was ok but I have gone round to hotter and faster and prefer those roasts so far. I have to drop to 100g to keep an even roast and lower the air flow some each min to keep the heat rising.

So many things to try.
So many coffee to cup... Shock
Using the first 3 beans for testing, only the Guatemalan is making it to next round. Different supplier but still looking forward to that.

So far I drink all my test batches but tonight I'm going to roast some for work, think I have made some advances in my technique worth sharing.
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