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Signal cable lengths to / fro to Arduino / TC4+
My current configuration is a 2.5m 3 core (w shield) 24AWG data transmission cable from the pot to A0 on the Arduino / TC4+ and then 25cm from OT1 to the SSR. Works perfectly.

However, I was thinking of moving the Arduino / TC4+ to just beside my laptop and then using 2 of the cores of the 24AWG data transmission cable for the signal from OT1 to the SSR instead. Pot will then be connected with a 20cm cable to the Arduino / TC4+.

The reason is because I personally like being able to see whether the TC4+ is behaving itself and communicating properly with the SSR whereas I can't see the two boards if they're mounted far from the laptop as originally planned.

Is the Arduino's 5V or the TC4+'s OT1 stronger? Or is 2.5m still not long enough to worry about signal losses or interference?
Interference depends on circuit impedance and wire length.
OT1/SSR circuit is low impendance, versus the pot, which is higher impedance.
Signals strength is similar for both, in the 0-5V range.
OT1/SSR circuit signals are digital, so almost immune to interference, vs the analog signal of a pot.
As a result of the above, OT1/SSR circuit is more appropriate to be remoted than the pot.
PERFECT! I'll shift the Arduino / TC4+ to the control panel then.
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