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TC4 locks up when starting Artisan 2.8
I have a TC4 working with Artisan 0.7.4 but there's been so many advances in Artisan that I'd like to use 2.8 instead. I couldn't find any mention of changes between the versions that would cause issues with my TC4, which is running aArtisanQ_PID v6.8.

Once I fire up Artisan 2.8, I configure it to use the TC4 on the correct COM port with the correct baud rate. Once I hit the ON button, the timer on the TC4 LCD freezes and Artisan shows no data coming in. Using a serial sniffer I see Artisan sending the CHAN;1200 command followed by READ but it's not getting a response.

If I use Serial Monitor in the IDE to send the same commands, I get back the expected output and the timer on the LCD continues to increment. Same thing if I connect with Artisan 0.7.4 except that version sends PID;XOFF, CHAN;1200, UNIT;F and then READ every few seconds.

Something about connecting to the TC4 with Artisan 2.8 is breaking things, where Artisan 0.7.4 is working fine. In both cases I'm using the same PC, same TC4, same Arduino and same version of the TC4 software 6.8.
I assume you have adjusted the setup in the user.h file in version 6.8?
Try with an earlier version, not always the last are the greatest for anyone needs/taste.
There is a reason I stopped upgrading Artisan at 1.6, where I am now.


greencardigan wrote:

I assume you have adjusted the setup in the user.h file in version 6.8?

I adjusted it to get it working with 0.7.4 a while back and when I upgraded Artisan and it didn't work, I revisited the user.h settings to make sure there wasn't some compatibility setting causing the problem. The few settings I tried changing didn't make any difference.

Since posting I've tried a few more things. One thing that seemed to work was starting the Artisan roast and then pressing the reset button on the TC4 several times to get it to restart. After it reboots everything seems to work, which further reinforces my observation that it's the way Artisan is opening the COM port to talk to the Arduino. Something about either the timing or the specific commands being issued is causing the Arduino to lock up. Unfortunately I can't sniff all the way down to the low level serial stuff like the handshake. I think I'll try changing the flow control settings to see if hardware or software flow control will make a difference.


renatoa wrote:

Try with an earlier version, not always the last are the greatest for anyone needs/taste.
There is a reason I stopped upgrading Artisan at 1.6, where I am now.

I can't find any of the versions between 0.7.4 and 2.6, at least not ones compiled for Windows. Is there a place to download them or will I need to compile from source?
Please, request a copy/link to the author, @MaKoMo.

Btw, just yesterday had such a situation with a fellow setup, using version 2.8, the latest or so...
The issue was related to the channels order, ET/BT ch 1/2 vs ch 2/1.
The newer Artisan version failed to parse the reversed channels order packet data, while the older version did it right, shown the right values on the LCD display, just reversing ET with BT, as should be.
When we set the right channels order everything returned to normal on newer version too, but...
It's weird, because the TC4 code is supposed to be unmodified for years...
If no success so far, I can send you my actual working Artisan, packed in an archive file.
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