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What has changed in artisan 2.8.2
What has changed in artisan 2.8.2

I upgraded to the artisan 2.8.2 version.
There are many changes, but the usability of Tool>Designer seems to be outstanding.

Until now, when I grabbed a point with a hand mark and moved it, the response was not good and it was difficult to use, so I had to use the magnification screen and had a lot of difficulties. (I had given up and thought it was the performance of the PC)

However, I think that the 2.8.2 version is clearly not just my imagination, but the operability has improved. I feel that I can grasp the point and adjust the position in 1°C, 1 second.

If there is anything else that has improved here, please let us know.
Noticed this difficulty long time ago, for this reason I am editing the profile exclusively by typing DE, FC and DROP values in the Config dialog, clearing everything else.
The result is a curve closer as much as possible to the natural curve of the real machine.
I am not a fan of stretching profile phases in unusual ways, so I don't add additional points to this minimal three points natural profile.
Especially not trying to simulate the high temp load and turning point in a designed profile, mine always start from ambient at moment zero.
Artisan did indeed fix the Artisan designer quirks:
Clever Coffee Dripper
Grinder: Macap M4
Roaster: Completed drum roaster project photos shown here:
Photos https://goo.gl/ph...Da6K4wfqw5
Videos https://www.youtu...Bd1NrdpSUH
Build thread https://homeroast...post_38189
Mr. Oldgrumpus.
Thank you.

Oh, I knew it had been corrected.
I used to think using a designer was a tedious process, but now that it's turned into an easy task I thought it was.

Now it will be much easier to draw a subtle profile, burn it as it should be, and compare the drinks.

In fact, I think Scott RAO's gradual pull-file with a lower ROR is also a very wonderful roasting method.
I have many other profile concepts and I think it would make it much easier to experiment with those profiles.

I know Renatoa will scold me for this, but ...
Out of scolding fuel, but... Grin ...
Just curious how could look the most exotic profile someone managed to master... I mean able to follow/reproduce many times.
What is the reasoning behind such profile, and what is it bringing in cup.
Also, how many roasts/kilos are required for this task.


renatoa wrote:
Just curious how could look the most exotic profile someone managed to master... I mean able to follow/reproduce many times.
What is the reasoning behind such profile, and what is it bringing in cup.
Also, how many roasts/kilos are required for this task.

This is precisely what I am learning about. Munchow (CoffeeMind Academy) has done experiments using coffee professionals to show through statistical analysis obtained from cupping data, that even experts have difficulty distinguishing the difference between small variations in roast profile and sometimes even the large differences. This information comes as a shock to most of us. According to CoffeeMind, influences affecting flavor in the cup are listed below in decending order of importance:

1. Green Coffee - flavor, quality, price
2. Input: Flame Plan (burner), Output: Color (of roasted beans)
3. Timing: Development Time
4. Timing: Time to 1st Crack
5. Other: Drum Speed, Airflow, Heat Source
There is something deliberately missing above. Rate of rise, RoR. Just saying.
Clever Coffee Dripper
Grinder: Macap M4
Roaster: Completed drum roaster project photos shown here:
Photos https://goo.gl/ph...Da6K4wfqw5
Videos https://www.youtu...Bd1NrdpSUH
Build thread https://homeroast...post_38189
Nice post. Thanks for summarizing some findings.
This goes along with the what's new theme here, but not in the same direction ...

I'm running 2.6 and at the beginning of upgrading it tells me that basically "everything you have is going to be wiped out", I have to wonder ... do I want to upgrade?

If anyone's done the upgrade, what should I save first? It took me longer than I want to admit to get everything set up as it is now.

Thanks smile
Hottop 2K+ w/Artisan
It seems to me that you should prtsc and save backups of setting files, alarm files, log files, etc. and the config screen.
In fact, I have been comparing Ver differences by overwriting and reverting to previous and newer versions to see the differences between versions.
(I'm going back in a time machine to the past, 2.8.2 ⇔ 2.4.6)
I may be wrong, so I would appreciate it if someone could follow up on this.
Aren't Settings related menus still there ? Not working amongst versions ?
renatoa attached the following image:
I guess it's just a little disconcerting when it says "are you sure you want to remove Artisan and all it's components", or something to that effect. Just have to wonder how much is going to be removed and what it might take to recover if settings are completely lost.

No worries, though. I uninstalled 2.6 and installed 2.8.2. Still looks the same to me when viewing the last roast. Haven't checked anything else. Next roast will let me know for sure, though. Probably next weekend.
Hottop 2K+ w/Artisan
No experience with 2.x, but I keep on my machine two different 1.x builds, and a 2.x, side by side, and they are all functional.
You should know some tricks though...
With any luck for me, there won't be any issues with the Artisan update when using the Hottop.

Not sure I have any tricks, but I hope to do some experimenting and at least be able to generate something I can use as a background that Artisan can follow to get consistent roast results.
Hottop 2K+ w/Artisan
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