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Version 3.125
Decided to seek out the best overall hot air tool I could source and incorporate it into my heat gun/sifter setup. Been tweaking things such as temp probe location, air flow/heat retention, etc. and it's really smoothing out nicely. Attached are a few pics of the 'work in progress'... not that much different than what I first built 7 yrs ago, just refined and much more robust.
Spyderman24-7 attached the following images:
20230411_053044.jpg 20230410_134104.jpg 20230411_052948.jpg
A suggestion for a future model, for a much compact vertical build you could consider a popcorn heater unit, i.e. the base without the roast chamber.
The hot air exhaust area is at least double than a standard hotgun, about 75mm dia vs 35 mm the hotgun.
As a bonus, the hot air stream is rotating/vortex, at the heater output! thus a better dispersion and uniformity.


renatoa wrote:

A suggestion for a future model, for a much compact vertical build you could consider a popcorn heater unit, i.e. the base without the roast chamber.
The hot air exhaust area is at least double than a standard hotgun, about 75mm dia vs 35 mm the hotgun.
As a bonus, the hot air stream is rotating/vortex, at the heater output! thus a better dispersion and uniformity.

Honestly there won't be a 'future model', bwahaha... this setup gives me insane control and consistent feedback, not to mention impressive lifespan/reliability. I'd never trust a popper heater setup to do very much regardless of how it's implemented.
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