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can't establish communication between TC4 and Artisan
My FB prototype build is nearly complete but I'm now having trouble getting Artisan to talk to my TC4. A friend was able to write a simple program that turned on my blower so at least that part of the shield and wiring appears to be functioning. I'm connected using the PAC2 Mode configuration. Vac motor with ZC detector and heat gun element heat source. I've successfully compiled and loaded aArtisanQ PID 6_7. I then loaded Artisan 2.8.2. I configured Artisan following instructions from Greencardigan's Artisan + TC4 youtube video. I'm still working on TC wiring so I don't expect to see anything there. When installing Artisan I did notice that I was never given the opportunity to install the serial driver. Can that be what's causing my trouble? I see in videos and install instructions that the driver name should show up in my com port choices but I only have the choice of COM3. My device manager shows a Arduino Mega 2560 (COM3) but that choice doesn't show up in the Artisan config menu. I'm so close I can almost smell the coffee but I'm stuck. Any advice?
BadHabitRoasters attached the following images:
img_1264.jpg img_1265.jpg

Edited by BadHabitRoasters on 05/20/2023 11:43 AM
Install a serial comm terminal tool, like Termite, https://www.compu...ermite.htm, then try connecting that port, and send a READ TC4 command.
Is probably what your friend already did.
If getting an answer you are good, else the usb-serial driver is fault or missing.

Alternative, without installing anything, open the serial monitor in the Artisan Help menu, log some messages, then copy-paste them here for diagnose, like the attached example.
renatoa attached the following image:
BadHabitRoasters attached the following image:
image from Artisan after pressing "start" button
BadHabitRoasters attached the following image:
No communication over that COM3.
No response to CHAN command.
You are probably missing the driver for CH340/341 usb to serial chip.
After installing this driver you will find the real com port used by TC4 is the most probably somewhere in the COM30-40 range.
What com port was used to load the sketch? The drivers must be working already?
Same port. I’m curious about how the driver loads. The instructions show the installer giving a choice to load or not load. I never saw that option box with the new version.
This may help. https://www.ardui...-download/

But I don't understand how you could upload the sketch to the arduino if the drivers wasn't already working.

What does your Device Manager show after you connect the Arduino? Is it appearing under 'Other devices' or 'Ports'?

Are you using an Arduino Uno or Mega?
Edited by renatoa on 05/25/2023 2:07 AM
When Arduino Mega 2560 is plugged in, it appears in “Port (COM & LPT”. Under Properties, it says Port_#0001.Hub_0001
Should see something like... attached
Comm port number could vary.
Manufacturer data should tell you if the comm port really belongs to Megat 2560
renatoa attached the following images:
e10a5f35dd08da1f652f3b5eb32ce5ee99accb36.png image_2023-05-25_173312693.png
So if the manufacturer is Arduino instead of WHC I’ve got the wrong driver installed?
Nope, whc is for my board, using a ch340 usb to serial adapter chip.
No idea what is using Mega 2560, but Arduino seems legit as mfr.
Gotcha. I’m traveling so haven’t been able to look plug into and read the single thermocouple I have connected by if I remember correctly, even with 1 TC connected. Is the driver just the run of the mill arduino driver or is it specific and needs to be be loaded from the GitHub files for the TC4? I’m thinking back and I don’t think I did that.
Error in my code.
exer31337 attached the following images:
screenshot_16.png screenshot_15.png screenshot_14.png screenshot_13.png screenshot_12.png screenshot_11.png

Edited by exer31337 on 05/29/2023 5:12 PM


BadHabitRoasters wrote:

When Arduino Mega 2560 is plugged in

I don't believe the aArtisanQ sketches are compatible with the Mega boards. I think it needs to be a Uno.

Also, I cant see from your original post, but the Baud rate in the Artisan settings needs to match the Baud rate specified in the sketch (user.f file).
Well that would explain it. I was starting to think that I had somehow screwed up my TC4 or my Arduino. Also, I keep reading that “older” TC4s use a slower baud rate but I’ve not found what version is considered older. Do you know? Mine is a 5.31.
Thanks Greencardigan. All's well now that I used a Uno. No telling how long it would have taken me to figure that out on my own. I'll post a few pics once I get the electronics stuffed into the enclosure
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