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Artisan Talking Alarms?
Has anyone gotten talking alarms to work with Artisan?

I'm using Artisan 2.8.2 on a Windows 11 Home machine. I'm using the "voice.exe" app.

I created an alarm that is a "call program" with the description of:
c:\voice\voice.exe test

If I run this command from a command shell, I hear the word spoken.

When the alarm triggers, on the top left I Artisan says:
Alarm is calling c:\voice\voice.exe test

I've tried:
- forward slashes in the path
- backslashes in the path
- put the program in the artisan directory
- calling a batch file

Anyone have any ideas?

Hottop 2k+ with Artisan
I was able to get wsay to work but not voice. I put them both in the same folder to test.

C:\voice\wsay.exe "Hello"
It does not look to need the quotes?

So a simple alarm worked.
HarryDog attached the following image:

Edited by HarryDog on 06/05/2023 7:26 PM


HarryDog wrote:

I was able to get wsay to work but not voice. I put them both in the same folder to test.

C:\voice\wsay.exe "Hello"
It does not look to need the quotes?

So a simple alarm worked.

That worked great - thanks!
Hottop 2k+ with Artisan
These talking alarms are pretty useful. A couple days ago I programmed my alarm profile to talk me through each stage of the roast. This allows me to do other work like bagging, labelling or weighing coffee, while hearing the roast progress and not needing to have eyes on the machine the whole time. Very nice feature. ThumbsUp
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