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Behmor 1600plus
Greetings to all,

I am new to all of this and I hope it is ok to post that here. I bought a used Behmor 1600plus and am still getting used to it. One thing I noticed is that I can never get to the 300 degree mark. The best I have done was 285 to 290. I don't really care as long as it roasts good coffee. My experiences are limited so I am looking for others to give me some tips or pointers. I like a darker roast while my wife likes it a bit lighter. I have, thus far, taken it from end of first crack to 15 to 20 seconds into second crack. Not much difference and I read the descriptions on the beans and I get none of the flavors they talk about. I use the P5 setting and hit the D button to get the drum to spin bit quicker. Is there any "tricks" that you all can recommend to maybe give me a bit more of the characteristics that the bean companies tell me should be there? Maybe cut the heat a bit during the earlier part of the roast to develop the beans a bit more? Stay at a lower heat? It has been fun, and the coffee I have roasted has been good, but just looking for ways to up my game so to speak.

Thanks to all. Any and all input is welcomed.

I have no experience with the Behmor line.

If you can only get 285F-290F? This is not hot enough but not sure how hot they get.

Try cleaning the sensor area and see if you get more heat out of it.

Some roasting tips.
Edited by HarryDog on 01/30/2024 12:22 PM
The Behmor temp isn't that relevant because energy transfer is through radiation. Especially with lower ambient temps, it won't get all that high. You can easily complete good roasts with temp B below 300 °F.

Before I gutted my Behmor and switched to using Artisan for control, I did the same thing with a faster drum and P5 (full power) until some time before FC, then sort of guessed as to the reduction into and through FC.
Thanks to all. I usually start with about 18 mins and get to FC with about 6 mins left. Second crack is usually somewhere near 3 to 3:30 left. I am going to try and cool when I hear the start of FC and see if that brings out a bit more flavor. I might be going to long and pushing thru the optimal stage.


Redrocker652002 wrote:I usually start with about 18 mins and get to FC with about 6 mins left.

That's pretty long. What is your batch size? I'm generally right around 1/2 lb (227 g) and get FC in 7-8 min. You might try smaller batch sizes.
Thats pretty fast cycle for me so I guess youre way under a pound per roast. I look at 32-45 minutes for a full pound in the winter p5 flashing on a 2000ab. Longer still at high speed drum rotation. Hit the C button and the D Button at first crack indications for my roasts for the light roast I desire. Don't really ever get the sellers cupping qualities so I can't provide that info, but I vot chocolate notes once
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