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What's in Your Roaster This Week?
Just roasted Cost Rican Fruita de oro. Last time I roasted it I was unimpressed. Used a different profile....smells pretty good after roast, so we'll seesmile
Just roasted BJ's EastTimor this morning. It is fantastic Love at first sip.

Also roasted PNG and Peru 1/2 # of each for the coming week or until finished,which I think will happen first.

Special treat. I roasted my first 1/2 # of the Panama Gesha -- from SM. Near the award winning site on the farm. Lot # 5 for starters. I am looking forward to trying it tomorrow. I did it three minutes after the start of first crack for a medium roast. iI cant't wait ffor tomorrow and permission to taste. This is more fun than a human being should be allowed and loving every minute of it.Shock :Clap:
Edited by Clifford on 03/26/2009 4:12 AM
May the Force be with your cup
Ray T
Roasted 8oz of the Timor in the Hottop Tuesday. P2 right to the verge of 2nd C++ (heard maybe 3-4 2nd cracks as it hit the cooling tray) Brought in enough to work tonite along with the Aeropress for the three of to try some. Well Dave um ITS AWSOME :Clap::Clap::Clap: Thank You again for getting this coffee. NO Cheese flavor at all Grin Happy Roasting Ray
Edited by Ray T on 03/26/2009 9:14 PM
You are quite welcome Ray; glad you are enjoying them in the high desert. I am buried in Hawaiians so I didn't get to the Timors. Next week.

Did you catch any chocolates at that level? I got mainly a very clean citrus at city plus but I do want to go more deeply to see if I can find a chocolate in there.

Edited by BoldJava on 03/26/2009 9:28 PM
Dave Borton
Milwaukee, WI
Ray T
Iam not in the high dessert. http://www.sonoraca.com/ Great fly fishing and camping 20 min away . If you ever happen to go to Yosemite National Park give me a shout. As far as getting chocolate flavors could be the great taste iam getting. Citrus is in the back ground but my abillity to taste coffee and describe the flavors are :( My coffee rating system goes from HMMM ---- Dam thats good.) Sorry not much help its just darn good Ray


Ray T wrote:
Iam not in the high dessert. http://www.sonoraca.com/ Great fly fishing and camping 20 min away .... Ray

Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. Mentally, I had you along the I-15 corridor from LA to Vegas. Just looked it up on the map and see where you are at.

Dave Borton
Milwaukee, WI
I will buy a Gene as soon as my credit card balances will allow. This Forum has become my school for roasting and cupping so I may as well use the same equipment as others. I think I can learn faster this way and obtain repeatable roasts. I have read BJ's discussion threads on COFFEE FORUMS as a thread on the relative merits of the Gene and the Behmor and I am won over.

I plan to steadily march up the learning curve as best as my abilities will allow. Thanks Everybody for your teachings :Clap: ThumbsUp :BowDown:
May the Force be with your cup
John Despres
You will be delighted with the Gene Cafe, Clifford. It truly is a fine roaster.

B|Java is a wise man.ThumbsUp

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
Organic Honduras Marcala. Smells nice after roast. Can hardly wait til sunday morning to sample itsmile
John Despres
Nothing this weekend. the new heating element hasn't arrived.

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
That Honduras Marcala is great coffee!

This weekend, the El Salvador Orange Bourbon is one of the coffees that will be going into the roaster this weekend ...

Eddie Dove

The South Coast Coffee Roaster
vita non est vivere sed valere vita est
Home Coffee Roasting Blog and Reference
Koffee Kosmo
Yesterday I roasted more Sumatra Manheling
Today just finished a 500 gr batch of PNG Wahgi AA

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
Red Sea Blend (Center, Top) for the first time yesterday - very uneven at a Full City roast... is that normal?


Also the standby Bolivian (Lower Left, Full City) plus... after 2.5 months, Zephyr finally remembered to ship me some Guat Huehue El Injerto (Lower Right, City+). I roasted that, too. (they forgot to send the Sumatra Old School that I also requested, but whom am I to complain?)

Edited by seedlings on 03/29/2009 1:42 PM
Roaster: CoffeeAir II 2# DIY air roaster
Grinder: Vintage Grindmaster 500
Brewers: Vintage Cory DCU DCL, Aeropress, Press, Osaka Titanium pourover


seedlings wrote:
Red Sea Blend (Center, Top) for the first time yesterday - very uneven at a Full City roast... is that normal?


Also the standby Bolivian (Lower Left, Full City) plus... after 2.5 months, Zephyr finally remembered to ship me some Guat Huehue El Injerto (Lower Right, City+). I roasted that, too. (they forgot to send the Sumatra Old School that I also requested, but whom am I to complain?)



It is a blend and I've found the roast of the Red Sea Blend to also be somewhat inconsistant. However, give it plenty of rest and you'll love the cup. I take it City ++

I just roasted my first batch of the Rwanda COE distroed by B/J. I took it to French for the espresso machine. A little bird told me it is a WONDERFUL espresso? I'll let you know the end of the week. Jim
"How we treat our children determines who we are!"
The Red Sea Blend is all natural process-- 2/3 Ethiopian beans, 1/3 Yemen. Both of these origins roast up somewhat unevenly, as do most dry process African/Arabian coffees.
Nicaragua Matagalpa Pacamara PB
Nicaragua, Finca El Limoncillo, Maragogipe
Mexico, Chiapas, Organic
And perhaps a pot of Java Estate for good measure.

I do like the central and South American coffees.
Mexico, Chiapas, Organic
CHAD's Ethopian

May the Force be with your cup
John Despres
Nothing. Still waiting on the heating element for my Gene Cafe.

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
Two samples today

Mexico Natural Terruno Nayarita (B|Java and I have sampled roasted lots from two different roasters)

Sumatra Tangse Rhino--one of the better Sumatras I bought last year. Hopefully this one measures up.
Sumatra Takengon Classic
Ethiopia Organic Dry-Process Birbissa

The Sumatra is resting now ... can't wait to give it a try!
Koffee Kosmo
Just literally finished 3 roasts
An espresso machine importer distributor wants to try my roasts and see the roaster
So I roasted some batches of
PNG Wahgi AA
Kenya Ritti AA
Sumatra Blue Lintong

Thats all for now but I will roast a nice South American bean to include as part of the demo/tasting next week

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
Koffee Kosmo


Jimbo wrote:
Sumatra Takengon Classic
Ethiopia Organic Dry-Process Birbissa

The Sumatra is resting now ... can't wait to give it a try!

I have a little amount left of my
Sumatra Mandehling Takengon organic
Its one of the best beans I have tasted
Got to try and get some more

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
Guatemala Oriente Dry Process!
Been waiting for awhile to roast this one!
John Despres
Ooooh, that Oriente D-P is a stunning cup of coffee! Fruity, very full body.

Take it to FC - FC+ and you'll be delighted! And if you're not, send the rest to me and I'll be delighted. One of us should be, anyway.

I think I'll roast some of that as well...
Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.


John Despres wrote:
Ooooh, that Oriente D-P is a stunning cup of coffee! Fruity, very full body.

Take it to FC - FC+ and you'll be delighted! And if you're not, send the rest to me and I'll be delighted. One of us should be, anyway.

I think I'll roast some of that as well...

I was gonna use RPjd for this onesmile
Would you stick with that or do you recommend a modification to the profile?
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